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"Can I have a bite?" Yoongi begged as Jungkook revealed his breakfast.

It was a sandwich just like his own but this one was a special one because it has been prepared by Jungkook's mom. The younger rolled his eyes in annoyance but handed it to Yoongi anyways.

"If I were you I wouldn't have done that but whatever." he shrugged and stuffed half of it into his mouth.

First, Jungkook wanted to scold him for eating almost all of his sandwich. But when he saw that Yoongi looked like a squirrel with filled cheeks, he couldn't contain his laughter.

"Stahp it, dish ain't funny!"

Yoongi's attempts to make Jungkook stop laughing only made it worse and moments later Jungkook was on the verge of crying. The older looked at him in annoyance but then just gave up and ate his own sandwich while waiting for his best friend to calm down. Once he did, Yoongi had already finished eating and stood up.

"H-hey! Wait for me!" Jungkook yelled after his best friend and scrambled to get his things together.

After a few seconds he reached Yoongi and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Jungkook apologised and offered the smaller boy his sandwich.

Well, the other half that was still left. Yoongi took it silently.

"I wasn't mad at you by the way. But I swear, don't you dare laugh at me again!" Yoongi warned before eating the sandwich in one go.

Jungkook giggled but could resist the urge to laugh again this time.

"What subject—" Yoongi attempted to ask as they reached their lockers again but got interrupted by girls squealing loudly.

The whole crowd around them suddenly started to cheer like there was a party going on. But Yoongi and Jungkook both knew what was happening at this moment and it was definitely not a party.

After all, this was something that occured almost daily. Jungkook's heartbeat immediately started to speed up and he gulped nervously. Yoongi grinned as he watched his best friend's eyes scan the crowd of students nervously.

"You better not drool, Kook." he snickered, earning himself a harsh slap from his best friend.

"S-shut up, idiot!" the brunette whisper-yelled embarrassed and Yoongi couldn't help but laugh softly.

Jungkook's eyes went back to anxiously inspecting the corridor. And they widened as soon as they saw him.

Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook felt himself blush darker the closer the boy got. Yoongi chuckled to himself. He knew that Jungkook has had a huge crush on Taehyung ever since he first saw him. But on the other hand everyone, literally everyone had a crush on Taehyung. And with literally everyone he meant not only all the girls but also lots of boys, including Jungkook who was close to having a panic attack just by looking at the male.

However, who wouldn't crush on him? Kim Taehyung had a slender and attractive figure, a gorgeous face and probably the softest blonde hair in the world. Hell, the seventeen year-old was a work of pure art, it was like god called all great artists together to create Taehyung, the most beautiful being Jungkook had ever seen.

At first, the brunette didn't want to admit that he crushed on the model but Yoongi could tell just by the way his best friend acted when Taehyung was walking by. He was always blushing, stuttering, uttering sentences that didn't make any sense while stealing lots of glances in Taehyung's direction.

However, there is one big fat problem. Taehyung was the most popular boy in the whole school. And this wasn't only because of his good looks. Because for almost five years by now, Taehyung was modeling and became super famous all around the world. On top of that, his parents are filthy rich and own a big Gucci Store in Seoul.

Jungkook found himself staring intensly at Taehyung as he walked through all of the people screaming his name and almost clinging to him, smiling lightly. Suddenly he saw Yoongi raising his hand in the corner of his eye.

"W-what are you doing!?" Jungkook stuttered after turning to his best friend in panic.

"Calling your beloved crush over. So chill your balls and don't mess this up." Yoongi responded.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock and he whipped his head around. His heart stopped beating completely as he saw Taehyung already making his way through the crowd to them.


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