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"Wait, we had homework?" Hoseok's eyes widened and Namjoon sighed.

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised that you don't have it." the white-haired male added amused.

"Can I please copy it~?" Hoseok pouted, looking at Namjoon with puppy eyes.

The younger sighed, eventually handing him his notes.

"Thanks a lot, Joonie!" Hoseok smiled, immediately beginning to scribble down the homework.

"Well, I'm glad we don't have any." Yoongi yawned and stretched his arms, almost hitting Jimin in the process.

"That's the third time you almost hit me during this week! Can't you just pay more attention!?" the pink-haired male scolded him and Yoongi shrunk down in his seat, everyone laughing at them.

"My god, you guys are just like an old married couple." Seokjin teased while crossing his arms, causing Jimin and Yoongi to blush and shut up.

The bell rang and they began gathering their things.

"Why do we have to swim now?" the mint-haired boy immediately complained.

"Shut up, Yoongz, we all know you don't wanna do it. But everyone has to." Jungkook argued, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

"Easy for you to say. You got muscles but I don't." he scoffed and Jungkook shrugged, his lips tugged upwards in a playful smile.

"Anyways, good luck on surviving the upcoming lessons." Namjoon said and off then three eldest were.

"Let's go, guys."

While Jimin and Yoongi already began walking, Jungkook stood up and secured his bag on his back, turning to Taehyung then.

The model got up aswell as suddenly a sharp pain penetrated his head and he felt incredibly dizzy. Taehyung's vision got hazy, the corners becoming dark. He felt himself lose balance and expected to hit the ground but the contact never happened. Instead, a hand wrapped around waist was keeping him from falling over.

Eyes squinting, Taehyung tried to find out who it was. His head hurt insanely, not allowing his eye-sight to get back to normal.

"Are you alright, Taehyung?"

The model recognised Jungkook's voice and nodded slightly before smiling at him. The younger however, wasn't that convinced since Taehyung was really pale. He let him go, watching the older grab his bag with shaky hands.

"Let's get going."

Quickly catching up to Jimin and Yoongi, Taehyung hissed quietly as the stinging pain in his head started to hurt more and more.

"What took you so long?" Yoongi asked warily.

"I-I dropped my bag and all my books fell out." Jungkook answered quickly.

"Suuuuure." Jimin grinned and nudged Jungkook's side, causing the other to blush beet red before hitting his hyung.

"I swear I'll kill your PE teacher if he makes us swim the same amount as last time." the mint-haired boy growled as they went inside the indoor swimming pool and made their ways into the changing rooms.

"You're gonna be fine, Yoongi." Jimin sighed, before beginning to pull his shirt over his head.

"I think so, too." Jungkook supported Jimin and copied his hyung's doings, making Yoongi roll his eyes.

Then they noticed how quiet it was in here. Everyone's eyes were on Jungkook, who stepped out of his pants without noticing.

"Why y'all staring?" Jimin asked sassily.

"That's literally the first time I saw Jungkook change with us." one guy blurted out and that's when the younger noticed it was because of him.

Blushing bright red, Jungkook covered himself with a towel.

"Pussy." Yoongi scoffed and snatched it away and everyone chuckled before turning back.

"God, I hate you so much!" the Maknae whisper-yelled at his best friend when they were done changing.

Then they walked to the pool and Jungkook noticed how extremely quiet Taehyung has been.

"Good morning, classes! We're gonna start with the same as last week! 100, 50 and then 25!"

"I'm going to kill myself." Yoongi deadpanned, Jimin flicking his forehead.

"Stop fucking complaining and just do it." the pink-haired male hissed and pulled Yoongi with him by his ear.

Jungkook followed them, grinning at their dorky behavior until he realised Taehyung was not with them. Turning around, he saw the blonde massaging his temples, face scrunched up in pain.

"A-are you alright?"

"Yeah, of course."

Showing him a painful smile, Taehyung walked to the others, eventually diving in with Jungkook. The younger kept an eye on him, swimming slower on purpose. As soon as they got out of the water again, Taehyung felt himself getting dizzy again. Quietly asking the teacher whether he could drink something real quick, the teacher complied and Taehyung immediately started walking to the changing rooms, until an hand gently grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook's worried voice filled his ears and Taehyung turned around, smiling reassuringly.

"I'll just go to drink something."

"O-oh, okay, I'm sorry for asking.."

"It's fine, I'll be back in a minute."

Jungkook nodded, watching Taehyung disappear behind the door to the showers. Somehow, he couldn't help but feel concerned. Something definitely wasn't right, Jungkook could sense it.


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