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Jungkook stirred up from his sleep as he felt something jump onto his stomach. Squinting his eyes, the brunette saw his little brother cuddling him.

"Mini? Why are you awake? You don't even have to get up for school yet."

"I couldn't sleep anymore." the nine-year old pouted, beginning to play with his brother's hands.

"Yesterday you didn't come to my room to play at all!"

"I'm sorry, Mini. I didn't feel well yesterday." Jungkook smiled apologetically and ruffled his sibling's hair.

"What are those?" Minjoon hopped off the bed and picked up one of many papers which were laying on the floor.


Hastily, Jungkook snatched the sheet away from his brother, then collecting the rest with an inhuman speed.

"It's, uh, j-just some kind of plan."

Minjoon blinked confused and watched his brother sigh in relief as he finally had all of them in his hands.

"I'll come play this afternoon, I promise." Jungkook smiled, putting the sheets ontop of his closet as if to make sure no one finds them.

"Yaaaay!" Minjoon cheered and almost ran his brother over.

They giggled as Jungkook pulled Minjoon up into his arms, both showing their bunny teeth.

"By the way, who called you yesterday?" Minjoon asked as Jungkook opened the door to walk downstairs.

"It was—"

"Kookie, Mini! Come down, breakfast is ready!"


After Jungkook finished eating breakfast, he left for school. Two boring lessons afterwards he and Yoongi made their way down to the cafeteria. They spotted the three elders sitting at a table, waving them over.

"Morning." Yoongi and Jungkook greeted simultaneously, plopping down infront of and next to Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Morning guys, did you see Taehyung by any chance?" Seokjin asked quietly, knowing that he had to be careful since Jungkook was here.

"No, why are you asking?" Yoongi wanted to know and glanced at the younger to see if it wasn't going to be too much for him.

"Nevermind.." Seokjin said, not continuing for the sake of Jungkook.

But little did they know that the brunette actually was far away in thoughts.

'I should've told Yoongz...' he thought and bit his lip.

"There they are, Jinie." Namjoon jerked his head towards the entrance.

Jungkook looked up to see a blushing Taehyung hitting Jimin, yelling something at him afterwards. His heart clenched at the sight of the blonde, sorrow washing over him like a tsunami. Jungkook shook his head lightly, trying to hold back the tears.

While they came closer, an idea suddenly popped into Jungkook's mind. Just as the two boys wanted to sit down, the brunette stood up rapidly and left, hearing Yoongi utter 'Where the fuck is he going?' and 'I'll go get him'.

Cheering internally that his plan worked, Jungkook sped up and walked faster until he reached an empty hallway. He turned around and waited for Yoongi who arrived there a few seconds later, panting lightly.

"What the fuck is your problem, Kook? Did you get scared of him now, or what?"

"No, I just needed to talk to you."

Yoongi looked at him dumbfounded before facepalming.

"And just because of that you make me run through almost the whole school? I fucking hate you." he scoffed but received a stare that said 'This is serious'.

"Alright, Kook, what is it?" Yoongi questioned and crossed his arms.

"Yesterday I called her to tell her everything she needed to know and eventually she came up with a plan." Jungkook explained, quickly telling his best friend what they had been talking about the day before.

"She's smart. I would've never thought of fear being a potential reason why Taehyung rejected you. So, how does the plan look like?"

"She said I basically just have to make Taehyung realise how much of a mistake his rejection was until he comes running back to me, starting with me ignoring him completely at first. Hopefully he thinks that I hate him now to make him feel guilty. She also suggested on making Taehyung jealous but I don't know how, so I think I'll save that idea for later. You need to promise me that you're not going to tell him."

Yoongi nodded in response.

"Thank you. At first I need your help to keep him away from me because I'm still mad... I feel like having a mental breakdown whenever I'm near him at the moment... But you need to make clear to Taehyung that he should fight for me if he really wants to be together with me. How does that sound?"

"That's brilliant, Kook." Yoongi grinned and Jungkook returned it.

While going back they discussed a few more things and when they walked back into the cafeteria the two friends made it look like they had just left to get drinks. Three minutes later, the break ended and they got up. Just as Jungkook wanted to leave, a hand on his wrist stopping him from doing so.

"W-wait, Jungkook, can I please talk to you?"

The younger stared coldly into the blonde's eyes, catching him off-guard. Jungkook studied the other's eyes, eventually seeing that guilt he was looking for.

'Sorry, I'm not the slightest bit ready to talk to you now...' Jungkook thought.

"C-can we—" Taehyung got interrupted as the younger walked past him, bumping their shoulder together rudely and then left the cafeteria, Yoongi soon catching up to him.

'Show me, Kim Taehyung, show me that you're gonna fight for me.'


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