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"Good work, you guys! I'm proud of you all!" Minji clapped her hands excitedly as the boys officially finished their last rehearsal.

This time, they all let themselves drop down onto the grass, small chuckles of exhaustion escaping their lips. But they were happy, so fucking happy that they managed it all even though they hadn't had many time. Now they only had to slip into their outfits, ordered specially only for tomorrow and rock the stage.

"Get up and take a shower, everyone." Minji smiled warmly.

"But don't forget to drink something, I don't want anyone to pass out from dehydration, alright?"

Bit by bit, they stood up and walked into the kitchen, everyone grabbing a lemonade from the table. Taehyung was looking at Jungkook from across the table, once again getting lost in his thoughts. The younger and Minji surely had a very special and intimate type of relationship, they were pretty touchy with each other.

Nontheless, Jungkook had interacted with Taehyung quite intimately aswell. Also, the blonde realised something the past 19 days. No matter how close Jungkook and Minji were, they never kissed. Not even on the cheek or forehead.

So if they had feelings for each other they would've kissed each other or at least given the other hints. But they didn't and that's exactly what gave Taehyung hope, because to him it looked like Jungkook was still giving him some kind of chance.

So, after plenty of thinking and pondering, Taehyung decided... that he'd confess to the younger before their ways would part after the school festival project.

Also, summer vacations were about to begin a week later which means he'd be restless for six whole weeks. So waiting until the festival was over was out of question for Taehyung. However, the school festival took place tomorrow which only left him two options. Either tonight or tomorrow.

After the seven boys had showered and finished setting up their mattresses, they went to bed earlier than the last times since tomorrow was their big day. Taehyung couldn't describe how excited and nervous he was for tomorrow.

Burrowing himself even more into his blanket, he became aware of his fast beating heart and the fact that tomorrow would be the day of his confession since there hadn't been any opportunities today. Taehyung was scared, his mind constantly being filled with what ifs since the possibility of getting rejected was high.

He had absolutely no clue how Jungkook was thinking of him. First the younger was touching him and saying sweet things, then he acted like an ignorant bastard again. Taehyung sighed, he didn't understand anything anymore.

The blonde was so caught up in his thoughts that he almost didn't notice Jungkook get up. The latter quickly looked around to make sure everyone was asleep before sneaking up the stairs. After he was out of sight the blonde propped himself up on his forearms. Taehyung cocked an eyebrow, seriously, what's with Jungkook creeping away each single time they have a sleepover? All of his thoughts suddenly got pushed away when he realised that he was given an opportunity.

His brain screamed 'Go confess, idiot!' and seconds later he scrambled to his feet, almost stepping into Jimin's face as he followed the younger boy, soon finding himself in a familiar situation, however this time not infront of Yoongi's room but Jungkook's.

As he opened the door to the younger's bedroom, he heard faint voices talking on Jungkook's balcony. Taehyung sneaked closer and crouched down a few meters next to the wide opened balcony door, not wanting to get caught a second time but still close enough that he could see their reflections in the glass door.

"Bun, I can't do this anymore."

Taehyung's ears perked up and a wave of jealousy washed over him. Why was Minji here? And what were they even talking about?

"I know it's hard for you but the festival is gonna be over tomorrow and then you don't have to worry anymore." he reassured, confusing the blonde even more.

"That's easy for you to say," she sighed, "look, if this ends bad he's gonna hate me forever—"

"That not true, Taehyung won't hate you. He's not that kind of person." Jungkook objected.

What? Taehyung was officially lost now.

"I know... but still. If this ends bad I don't know if all this is worth of losing the chance of me and Taehyung becoming friends..."

"What are you talking about? You guys already are friends!"

Naïve, Taehyung thought.

Minji let out a dry chuckle.

"No, bun, we're not. Don't you see that he hates me?"

The brunette frowned.

"That's why we can't keep this in the dark anymore, Jungkook. We need to talk to Taehyung about this, about us. And then I can only hope that he can forgive us and accept me." she mumbled, Jungkook pulling her into a gentle hug.

No, this can't be.

I thought he was gay.

Or are they—

"It's gonna be okay, he'll understand." Jungkook whispered before bending down.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop and Taehyung was unable to move his body. Was he kissing her? His eyes widened, the blonde's body subconsiously beginning to tremble as he watched the scene unfold in the reflection of glass door. The air was knocked out of his lungs, tears blurring his vision split seconds afterwards.

Again, the familiar pain comparable to an arrow drilled through his heart but this time, his heart shattered into a billion pieces, the hopes he had were crushed in the blink of an eye. It felt like someone caught the butterflies in his stomach and brutally ripped their wings out before crushing their bodies without hesitation.

The excruciating pain was numbing his whole body, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away from the two pairs of lips moving against each other, fitting oh so perfectly. Soon, Taehyung felt completely empty, the only thing that's leftover was the intense pain and the non-stopping tears cascading down his cheeks like a waterfall.

He left the room without the two noticing and laid down on his mattress again, tears not stopping to run down his tear-stained face but Taehyung couldn't care less. Why was he even crying? Back then, Jungkook had risked everything and confessed his feelings only to get rejected because Taehyung had been feeling a tiny bit insecure? The blonde knew, it was his fault that everything turned out like that and now, it was completely over.

He waited too long and ruined by that the chances of confessing to Jungkook. Taehyung let out a silent sob, tears trickling onto the pillow he was clutching onto as the hole in his heart getting bigger and bigger by every passing second.

Taehyung knew, in order to be able to move on, he still had to confess to the younger or his heart aswell as himself would never rest in peace again.

But Taehyung was scared...

Would he be able to let Jungkook go?


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