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"Are you guys ready?"

They nodded, getting in position.

"Alright! Three, two, one, go!"

Jimin cheered as the three took off, Jungkook immediately getting ahead of them. Suddenly his phone rang and the pink-haired male pulled it out.

"Yo, what's up?"

"'m bored. Are you free right now?"

"Yeah, you wanna come over?"

"Mhm. Where are you at the moment?"

"At the park with Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook."

Suddenly, the person on the other line got quiet. Awfully quiet.

"Hello? You still there?" Jimin asked confused.

"U-uh yeah, of course! I'll be there in 10 minutes..."

Jimin cocked an eyebrow. Why did he sound so shy all of a sudden?

"Okay. But bring the others aswell."

"I will. See ya."


Jimin hung up, wondering why this call got so awkward, but his thoughts got pushed aside when the three came back. Jungkook was laughing loudly while Yoongi tried to get out of Hoseok's grasp, who was carrying him bridal-style.

"Oh my god, what happened while I was on the phone?" Jimin laughed as Yoongi finally managed to get out of the orange-haired male's grip.

"We were about half way done and Yoongi was slower than me and Hoseok, so we teased him until he refused to keep going and stopped. Then Hoseok-hyung picked him up bridal-style and carried him here!" Jungkook explained while trying not to laugh, Jimin joining aswell.

"Shut up, midget, you wouldn't be any better." Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Huh?" Jimin's voice was dangerously low.

"Oh fuck..." Hoseok mumbled, taking a step backwards.

Confused but also a little scared, Jungkook copied his hyung's actions and gulped as Jimin took a step towards Yoongi.

"What did you just call me?" Jimin asked and by now even the older realised that he shouldn't have said that.

"Okay, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that!"

Wow. Jungkook had never seen Yoongi apologise this fast and proper before.

"You better be. The next time I won't go easy on you!" Jimin declared at hit Yoongi's shoulder lightly.

The mint-haired boy sighed and so did Jungkook and Hoseok.

"And by the way, you're just a tiny bit taller than I am!"

"I said sorry, okay?"

Yoongi's desperate beg had them chuckling and eventually, Jimin forgave him.

"You know what? I wanna compete against you, too!" Jimin smiled at Jungkook, who quickly complied by nodding.

Eventually, one competition led to many more, but Jungkook had won each single one so far.

"That's not fair!" Hoseok panted, "How are you able to win every round and get not sweaty at all?"

"My workout routine is usually much harder than this." Jungkook showed off his bunny-smile.

"You're kidding, right?" Jimin huffed, but the Maknae just shook his head.

"I don't even wanna what your workout routine consists of." Hoseok smiled weakly, making Jungkook giggle.

"But whatever, one more! But this time I'll win for sure!" the orange-haired boy declared, looking at Jungkook with determination in his eyes.

"Alright, whatever you say, hyung!" Jungkook smiled and they got into start position once more.

"Kook, how about 40 seconds?" Yoongi suddenly suggested.

"Guess I could try that."

"Alright guys, are you ready?" Jimin asked and they nodded.

"Three, two, one, go!"

Off they were.

Just as Yoongi and Jimin wanted to start talking, they got interrupted by three figures running towards them.

"Huh? When did you invite them, Jimin?" Yoongi questioned.

"When you got carried bridal-style." Jimin replied and Yoongi groaned silently.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Tae!" Jimin hugged Taehyung while Yoongi welcomed Namjoon and Seokjin with a small embrace aswell.

"Where's Hobi?" Seokjin asked.

"Racing Jungkook, but he's gonna lose anyways." Yoongi responded and pointed at the two closer coming males, Jungkook being way faster than Hoseok.

"Come on, Kook!!" Yoongi screamed, looking at his stopwatch.

Taehyung's whole body tensed as he saw Jungkook's thighs and gulped. This didn't go unnoticed by Namjoon, who grinned internally at how obvious his little brother was. Finally, Jungkook reached them, Hoseok arriving a bit later.

"H-how fast w-was I?" Hoseok panted and flopped down on the ground, not even noticing the Kim Brothers.

"56.83 seconds."

"And I?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi with hopeful eyes.


"Hell yes! These babies are awesome!" Jungkook cheered, jokingly slapping his thick thighs while laughing.

"They sure are."

Jungkook immediately froze when he heard Namjoon's voice, eyes widening. This couldn't be right? Slowly, he turned around, seeing that one person he actually wanted to avoid at all costs.


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