Chapter 92.2 ~ Outing

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AN: As promised, a longer chapter from yours truly. Hope you enjoy and have a very nice day or night xD~!

In a deserted alleyway at the outskirts of the Royal Capital, a young boy walked aimlessly with no strength in his steps. His malnourished, skinny body was covered in dirt with only a dirty rag that could barely be called clothes covering it. Bruises, cut marks, and other evidence of abuse and torture were visible from the openings and holes of his clothes.

The boy had a slightly long, disheveled black hair, and his eyes seemed to reflect sadness, hopelessness and despair. 

He wondered what he did to deserve such a life. Abandoned, used, tortured, and neglected. Did he live just to suffer? He has nothing from the moment he was born. No purpose, no family, no future. Why was he born in this world?

The boy continued walking aimlessly, turning corners towards another alleyway which led to a place unknown to him.

He let his legs bring him to wherever it wanted to so he could use up his last bit of life force and energy, and die a meaningless death. Then after reaching an alleyway that lead to the commercial street, he collapsed.

Ah… This is it…

He wondered why his feet brought him to this street, but he didn’t ponder over it. After all, there was nothing he could do anymore.

He felt nothing towards his own death. But if he was being truthful, he felt a tinge of sadness and regret for leaving this world and having no purpose in this short life of his. Nothing he could be proud of, no one to love him, no one who could become his family, no one to remember him. 

All he ever wanted was to be loved and a warm family. But apparently, it was too much to ask for.

The tears which he thought had dried up started flowing out of his eyes one last time.

I… wanted to have a family… 

All 14 years of his life was filled with nothing but sufferings. But now that he was about to be free from it, he felt regret and sadness for not being able to experience the things he could only wish for. He wished he could live a normal life, just like the children his age are supposed to live.

But now… it was but a far off dream that would never come true, and he was painfully aware of it. Even so… the fact that he still wished for it pained him greatly.

Darkness started to envelope his sight. All the pain in his body were numbed. His body felt cold and weak. There was nothing else he could do but welcome his end with open arms

But suddenly, someone approached him.

The boy struggled to look up to see who came near him. His unfocused jet black eyes saw a man with jet black hair, and although he couldn’t see clearly, he could see the silhouette of many other people around the man. 

He had always been afraid of other people due to all the sufferings he was subjected to. But somehow, he didn’t feel afraid of him. He felt something he never felt before. Warmth.

With the last bit of strength he could muster, the boy stretched out his hand. He knew it was the end for him, but at the very least, he wanted to reach for this warm, brilliant light. To touch the light which he had been seeking his entire life just once during his last breathing moments. But to his surprise, the light came to him. The man before him took his stretched out hand.

Ah…  I wonder if he’ll be mad for dirtying his hands… But I feel so warm… 

His eyelids become heavy and he closed his eyes. The last thing he saw was a warm golden light enveloping his sight.

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