Chapter 115.2 ~ Misteltein (4)

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AN: Hey~! Hope you enjoy this update~!!! 

The nobles and merchants chatted with drinks in their hands and food on their plates, enjoying the banquet of the grand opening ceremony of Misteltein.

Each and every one of the beverages and dishes was incredibly delectable and tasty. It was the tastiest food they've ever eaten. Many of them had asked the employees who were present all throughout the place to answer their questions if they could find out about the recipe or at least introduce them to the chef who made. But none of them succeeded. All they know was all the food and drinks they've consumed and fell in love with were all created by Leon.

All of them were crestfallen after hearing their answers. If it was the chefs, then there was a chance, no matter how small, that they could recruit them to their side and have them create even more unique and incredible dishes for them. But it was the [Dark Hero] himself, and the chances of having him work for them was insignificantly small.

But this didn't stop some of them. Some even had the confidence and guts to try and recruit the chefs and employees to their side. But they were immediately struck down by an immediate refusal.

None of the employees would even think of working for somebody else except for Leon. He was their savior, their lives' benefactor, the one who freed them from slavery. And everyone in this mansion had treated them so kindly and they were given a chance to work in such a comfortable and successful place. It would be unthinkable for them to trade this dream-like life for something else.

Just like the employees, the chefs didn't even consider their offer. After all, they could serve the best lord they could've worked for. Not only were the wages more than satisfactory, they could also improve their skills tremendously. Their lord was the greatest cook they've ever seen, and they'd be the biggest fool in the world to not serve him and learn from him.

All the nobles and merchants who tried to recruit them sighed in disappointment. As they expected, the [Dark Hero]'s subordinates were something else. Not only were they incredibly capable, their loyalty towards him was also just as incredible. They could only give up and enjoy the drinks and food provided to the fullest while they still have a chance.

Suddenly, the entire grand hall of Misteltein went dark. But just before their surprise turned into panic, a single column of light shined onto the [Dark Hero] himself. He was standing on a stage specially constructed for this event.

He activated a spell and a small, light green magic circle appeared right in front of his mouth.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the grand opening of Misteltein. I am Leon Misteltein, founder and owner of "Misteltein". We are honored and delighted that many of you have accepted our invitation. I, as well as the entirety of Misteltein, would like to thank you for your support and presence today."

They were all surprised. The [Dark Hero]'s voice was very loud. Even those far from him could hear his voice and understand his words clearly. Yet it doesn't seem like he was shouting. In fact, his voice was very calm, smooth, and melodious, as if he was talking normally.

"Hm? Is this Leon's magic."

"I think so, father. There's a small magic circle in front of his mouth. It might be a spell that amplifies his voice."

"I see... Hahaha, as expected of Leon. He really is full of surprises."

"Yes, I've never even heard of a spell that could affect sound. He really exceeds all my expectations of him. Our little Aria seemed to have chosen an incredible man far beyond our expectations."

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