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THEY ARRIVED AT BELLA'S house, it was two stories tall and had a red door that made Luna smile softly. Luna took note of the police cruiser that was placed in the driveway and rose a questioning eyebrow at Bella.

"Oh, yeah. My dad's the, uh, chief of police."

"Oh." Luna nodded. The two girls got out of the car and Luna grabbed her suitcase before following after Bella into the home. Charlie Swan was sitting on the couch, watching a sports game. He turned his head at the door opening and muted the television when he saw Luna walk in. He stood up from the couch and sent the girl a small smile.

"Hey, Charlie." Luna greeted.

"How're you doing, Luna?"

"I've been better." The girl truthfully answered. "Thank you, for letting me stay with you until I can finish school."

"You're always welcome, Luna."

"Come on, I'll show to your room." Bella interrupted the conversation. Luna gave Charlie one last smile before following after Bella. When she entered her room, a small smile graced her features. The room was medium sized with a king sized bed, black and light blue comforters covering the bed. The walls were left white which made Luna frown at the lack of color. Bella immediately noticed this and couldn't help but smile to herself. "I told him to leave the walls blank because I know you have an artistic touch to you. After you settled in I was thinking maybe we could go buy some paint for your room?"

Luna's face immediately lit up. "That would be great. But, we should go do that now so that I can let the walls dry before placing furniture against it."

Bella nodded her head in agreement. Luna left her suitcase on the bed and followed after Bella into the truck once more. She was still tense being in the car, but since she had ridden in it before, she was a little less tense than the first time. They went to a store that held paints and Luna immediately grabbed the colors she would need. She grabbed black, blues, purples, pinks and a small can of white. She knew exactly what she was going to do with her new room and she was excited for the distraction.

After grabbing all the supplies they would need to paint the room, the two friends left the shop and headed back toward the home.

"Are you nervous?" Luna asked, glancing at Bella.

"Nervous? About?"

"Starting a new school." Luna answered, her already soft voice growing softer.

"Yeah, but at least I'll know one person there." She nudged Luna's side causing the girl to smile. They arrived back at the house and immediately Luna started to set things up. She had to push the bed and empty bookshelf away from the walls, thanking Charlie for only putting those two things of furniture in the room. Bella offered her an old t-shirt so that she wouldn't mess up her own clothes, and the young Star got to painting.

She gave the walls two coats of black paint, waiting an hour for it to dry. And then, she started on the other colors. A radio was placed in the room, 80's music softly playing through the speakers. She blended the colors in with each other, using her finger to do so, when Bella knocked on the door, letting herself in.

"How's it going?" Bella asked. She walked into the room and her mouth fell agape at the sight. It was beautiful and was definitely Luna. It was a galaxy, all the different colors blended together to make a beautiful masterpiece. "It's gorgeous, Luna!"

"Well, it's not finished yet, but thank you Bells." Luna smiled.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"No, I'm alright. I'll eat after I'm finished."

"Are you sure?" Bella asked. Luna turned her head to look at her best friend and nodded. Bella nodded back in response before leaving the room and leaving Luna by herself.

It took her hours to finish, wanting everything to look perfect. And once she was finished, she smiled. She was content with her work, and was excited to show the other two participants in the house. She quickly left the room and knocked on Bella's door. When she entered she smiled at Bella.

"It's finished." Luna stated with a wide smile. Bella closed her book and got up off the bed, following after Luna to go grab Charlie. The blonde led the two to her room and smiled when she saw their faces. They looked around at the walls, no words being able to form in their mouths.

"What do you think?" Luna shyly asked.

"I- I have no words." Bella stated with a small laugh. "It's really good, Moony."

"I think this is my new favorite room in the house." Charlie mumbled. Luna smiled at the words that fell from his mouth. "It's really good, kiddo."

"Thank you." Luna smiled. Maybe she was going to be alright here. Maybe, this would be a new start for her.

848 wordsAuthors note: Thsi was a short chapter, but I wanted there to be one more chapter before I started to get into the movie

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848 words
Authors note: Thsi was a short chapter, but I wanted there to be one more chapter before I started to get into the movie.

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye loves!♥️


𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒━︎━︎ J. Hale ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now