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LUNA SAT ON THE floor, her back leaning against the bed as her laptop sat in front of her. She was currently writing her history essay that was based on the revolutionary war. Needing a total of 1,000 words, Luna decided to go ahead and get it out of the way even though it wasn't due until next week. When a sudden tap came on her window she jumped in surprise. She turned her head towards her window only to see nothing there. She furrowed her eyebrows before going back to her paper. Then she heard it again. She let out a frustrated sigh as she sat her laptop on the floor.

She removed herself from the floor, adjusting her pajama shorts and oversized sweatshirt that belonged to her father. She looked out the window before noticing Jasper in the backyard. She furrowed her eyebrows before opening her window. She looked down at the vampire with confusion.

"Jasper? What the hell are you doing here?" Luna hissed.

"Back up." He told her.

"What? Why?" Luna asked. Jasper gave her a look and she put her hands up in defeat before backing away from her window. She jumped in surprise when Jasper had entered her room by jumping through the window. She landed on her bed with a breathy laugh. "Well, hello to you too. If this is you trying to stay away from me, you're really bad at it."

He rolled his eyes before watching her sit back on the floor, pulling her laptop back into her lap as she crossed her legs. Jasper sat down hesitantly beside the girl, reading her essay over her shoulder. Just by the words that she expressed on the pages, Jasper could tell that Luna was passionate about it. She was always passionate when it came to history. And that was another thing that drew Jasper Hale in so deeply.

"I've started to notice your passion when it comes to the wars, why is that? Not that I don't adore it."

Luna moved her eyes from her paper so that she could look into Jasper's golden hues. She sent him a small smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked back over at her computer screen as she let out a sad sigh. "My dad, he used to always do this pop quiz type thing right before I went to bed. He was always into the wars, and so he decided to share that love with me. So, when I had started to learn information he would ask me certain questions and if I got them right I got to choose between either staying up late or eating ice cream. Usually I went with the latter, even as I grew older. Ice cream has always been the way to win over my heart. Specifically birthday cake ice cream." A fond smile fell over Luna's face as she looked over at Jasper. "It's one of the things I miss about my dad."

Her eyes glossed over with tears, but she refused to let herself cry in front of him. She wasn't going to show him how weak she truly was. "Sometimes, I just wish I could go back in time and convince them to not celebrate my birthday early." Knowing what she was talking about, Jasper shook his head and gently placed a hand under her chin, turning her head to face him.

"What happened that night was not your fault, Luna. Do not blame yourself for something you could not control." His voice was gentle as he talked to her, his golden eyes never leaving her green ones for a second. Unbeknownst to the young Star girl, a single tear had betrayed her and fell from her eye, rolling slowly down her cheek. Jasper quickly swiped the tear away and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Luna subconsciously leaned into his touch, not knowing the feeling of comfort for a long while.

"I'm sorry, for throwing this all at you. This, whatever this is, just started today and I'm already letting down my guard for you. That doesn't happen often. Take it for granted, cause it won't last long." His eyebrows furrowed at her last words as she pulled away from him.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked. Luna shrugged her shoulders as she looked back at her laptop, she finished typing the last sentence before closing it.

"Everyone leaves eventually. Sooner or later, you will too." Luna turned her head to look at him, giving him a sad smile before getting up off the floor and heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she walked back into her room, Jasper had moved from the floor and onto the bed. He looked over at her, taking a moment to look her up and down, noticing how adorable she looked in the oversized sweater. He wondered―︎just for a moment―︎what she would look like wearing one of his. Her shorts exposed her legs and it made Jasper's lip twitch before he turned away, not wanting her to notice his staring.

Luna closed her bedroom door. She turned off the lights, smiling slightly when the painted stars on her walls started to glow. Jasper hadn't even noticed the galaxy covered walls, but now that he noticed them he was awe struck. Luna sat down beside of him, cutting on the lamp that was on her bedside table to expose the colors of the walls once more. It made Jasper smile. Luna leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes with a sigh. Jasper tore his gaze from the colorful walls to look over at the human.

"You know that I wouldn't do that to you." Jasper told her, referring to the comment she had said before briefly leaving the room. Luna opened her eyes and turned to look at him.

"Trust me, Jazz. You will leave, whether you want to or not, and whether or not you come back, I don't know. But I do know that everyone does leave, and there's nothing no one can do about it."

She sounded so vulnerable in that moment, and it made Jasper realize how much hurt the girl had truly gone through. Though she plastered a smile on her face everyday, it was always fake. And now that Jasper knew just how vulnerable and damaged she truly was, he couldn't help but want to protect her with everything in him. He didn't care about what the Volturi would do if they found out about her, he would stand against them if it meant that he could have some sort of chance at protecting her.

"I guess it's a good thing that I'm not like everyone else." Jasper told her. Luna sent him the smallest of smiles before crawling under the covers. She cut off her lamp and laid her head onto her pillow.

"Goodnight, Jasper." Luna softly whispered, closing her eyes as she slowly started to go to sleep. When Jasper heard impossibly soft snores fall form his mouth, he smiled down at her sleeping figure and he gave her a kiss on the top of the head before getting up off the bed. Before making his exit through the window, he turned to look at her one last time.

"Goodnight, Luna. I promise, I will never leave you." And he would have never made that promise, had he known what would occur that following September.

" And he would have never made that promise, had he known what would occur that following September

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1,251 words

Authors note: Awwe. My lil beans🥺🥺

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye my loves!♥️


𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒━︎━︎ J. Hale ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now