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"HEY, I'M GOING TO Jake's." Bella stated as she popped her head into Luna's room. The blonde looked at her and let out a soft sigh as she nodded her head. Bella looked at her friend before deciding to fully enter the room, shutting the door behind her. "I know you don't want to be reminded of them, Luna. But drinking human blood is only going to make it harder for you to be in the same room as me."

"I know." Luna softly said.

"Stop being stubborn, Moony." Bella gently told her. "Just try animal blood. I know they said it wouldn't give you full satisfaction, but it will give you some. Maybe it'll even help you control your thirst."

"Victoria said-"

"I don't give a damn what Victoria said! Just, do it for me, L. If not for yourself, then for me." Luna looked at Bella before giving her a slight nod of the head.


"Good." Bella smiled before turning and opening the door to leave, stopping only when Luna softly spoke up.

"She's not as bad as you think."

"You're just in the wrong head space, Luna. You'll realize it soon enough." Bella muttered before exiting the room. Luna let out a soft sigh before walking over to her window and watching as Bella pulled out of the driveway, making her way down the road. Luna let out a soft sigh before grabbing her bag that held the empty blood bags and leaving the home. Luna pulled up at a vacant area before parking her car and grabbing the bag. She walked into the woods until she was deep enough. She created a camp fire before throwing the blood bags in, getting rid of the evidence.

She felt like she had just committed murder. It made her feel dirty all over. Luna looked at the black bag that was still in her hand, a mental debate flowing through her mind before she sighed and threw it into the fire as well. Hopefully it would burn and she would never have to see it again. Luna watched the things burn for a moment before turning and running through the woods. This is the part she was going to have to learn all on her own.

Luna let out a deep breath before standing still and closing her eyes, listening to the sounds that surrounded her. She could hear the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees, she could hear the piercing chirps of birds, and she could hear a twig snap. That sound made her eyes snap open. She ran towards the sound, stopping only when she saw the doe standing there by herself. Luna crept slowly towards it before quickly jumping and pouncing on it. The deer made a whining noise as its leg splintered at the sudden weight. Luna looked down at the struggling doe, her eyes feeling with guilt as she looked at it.

"I'm so sorry." Luna softly whispered before putting it out of its misery and snapping its neck. She allowed her teeth to sink into the skin, the blood flowing like a river down her throat. Bella was right. The blood of the doe didn't satisfy her as much as the blood of a human did. It didn't have the sweet taste that Luna was addicted to like a drug. It held a more tangy taste that almost made her gag and want to throw the blood back up.

𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒━︎━︎ J. Hale ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now