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JASPER REFUSED TO TALK to her. As did everyone else in the Cullen family. Even Edward wouldn't talk to her, and he had taken Bella and Luna home. Edward waked into the woods with Bella whilst Luna walked up into her room, confused as to why no one would speak to her. Had she done something wrong? Did she say the wrong thing? Act the wrong way? Luna was trying to think back to anything she could have possibly done wrong, but she came up with nothing. It was stressing her out greatly.

Luna was pacing around her room, her left hand fingers messing with her rings whilst her right hand was constantly running through her blonde locks, messing them up. It was probably nothing. It would just blow over and she would be able to talk to her boyfriend tomorrow. When a knock was heard at her window, she turned so fast you'd have thought she'd given herself whiplash.

Luna walked over to the window and opened it, allowing Rosalie to enter her room. The blonde goddess was pissed at Jasper for making her do this. She didn't want to leave. She knew that her next words were going to break the human in front of her, and the thought of Luna upset over this made her even angrier at her brother.

"What's going on, Rose? No one will talk to me. Did I do something wrong?" Luna asked, a frown on her face. Rosalie rushed over to her, placing her hands on Luna's shoulders as she shook her head.

"No, no you did nothing wrong, Luna. But," Rosalie let out a soft sigh before taking a step back from the human. "Jasper says that he can't be with you, not right now anyways. And. . . Luna, we're leaving."

"Leaving? What do you mean leaving?" Luna asked. She felt like someone had just taken a knife and sliced her heart directly in half. Jasper didn't want to be with her? Was she really that bad of person?

"We're moving, Luna. I'm so sorry." Rosalie apologized. "I have to go. Hopefully, we'll meet again some day." Rosalie gave the blonde a sad smile before jumping out of the window. Luna stood there, frozen. That couldn't be true. They weren't actually leaving were they? Bella hadn't showed up for a day, and then two. But Luna hadn't moved. She was still in denial. It was when they found Bella that it had been confirmed. The Cullen's had officially left town.

Luna felt numb. She sat in her floor, staring blankly at her galaxy painted walls. She knew that it was such a big shot. She was hoping, praying that Jasper would keep his promise. That he would never leave. But, that had been broken. And Luna wasn't surprised. But, she didn't understand why this one hurt so much more than all of the others. What was wrong with her? Why did everyone leave? Why did everyone always leave? She wanted to be better. She wanted to fix it. But she didn't know how and that frustrated her.

She knew that she was just a burden. That's all Luna Star was ever going to be. A burden.

534 words

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534 words

Authors note: I CANT DO IT. I don't like seeing my baby so upset and it's only going to get so much worse🥺 Also, the next few chapters are probably going to be shorter than usual, and less dialogue. You'll understand what I mean by that in the next chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye lovelies!♥️


𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒━︎━︎ J. Hale ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now