Season 3, Part 1

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"You try to steal more food Sasha, I'll get Captain Levi to chop you up into nice bite-sized pieces!" Jean threatened Sasha, while we were cleaning and bringing in supplies.

"Hey! Did you guys wipe the dirt and dust off your shoes before you came in!?" Eren asked Jean after they walked in.

"No we didn't. Can't you see all the stuff we're carrying?" Jean groaned.

"Do you seriously think that attitude will satisfy Captain Levi!?" Eren was clearly paranoid.

"Eren, don't worry about it! Captain Levi isn't absolutely that strict." I assured him.

"...Alright, whatever you say." he hesitantly believed.

"Jeez, c'mon! I've been on his squad 2 years, relax a little." I threw my arms in the air.

"Mikasa? Have you've been chopping wood?" Armin worriedly asked Mikasa, who just came in with an ax in one hand and fresh lumber in the other.

"I tried to stop her, but she won't listen. I saw her doing sit-ups earlier!" Complained Eren, shaking his head.

"Huh!? You peeping tom!" Jean snapped. "Huh!? How does that constitute 'peeping?'" Eren argued back.

Sheesh, they fought too much. Mikasa, she was fine. She's tough and I'm not worried too much.

"It's almost like we're back in the cadet corps, huh?" Sasha pointed out, suspiciously stuffing something into her bag.

I was the odd one out in this situation. I was never in the same class as them, because I was in the 102nd class.

"Why do you figure we were chosen for the new Levi Squad though? Protecting Eren and Historia is such an important mission..."

I noticed the tension building up. I could tell everyone thought I knew something, considering I've been in the squad longest and was trusted most by Captain Levi.

I quietly went back to sweeping. Levi was going to be back soon, and he always checked under the table first. I made sure to quickly dust under it as a suspection.

"Sasha, what did you just shove into your bag?" Armin asked Sasha darkly, who was handling the food. It was a dumb idea to put her in charge of handling resources.

"Come on now, give it back." I sighed, emerging from under the table.

"Hey focus! We gotta finish cleaning before the Captain gets back!" Eren went back to fussing. 

"What's this commotion about?" A flat voice drawled. Oop. Levi was back. No one noticed him except for Historia, Eren and I until he checked under the table. He found no dust. He then turned to me.

"Let me guess Valeri, the rest of these brats were arguing like so, and you just cleaned under the table in time before I got back." he hypothesized, looking at me with his piercing cold eyes.

I sheepishly grinned, rubbing the back of my head. "Yep, ehehe..." Everyone lowered their heads, embarrassed, while Eren facepalmed, disappointed.

"Anyway, we'll discuss your lax cleaning job later. Eren, Hange is itching to get the experiment started." He added.

I smiled. Eren's experiments were always entertaining! Well, for him I'm sure they're annoying (and painful) but they're fun to watch for the rest of us- except for Mikasa.

~Later, at Eren's Experiment~

While the cadets surrounded Eren's scrawny Titan form on horses, I was at the top of a ledge with Hange, Levi, and several others. Eren had transformed for the 4th time, and his Titan form was barely 7 meters, and incredibly skinny.

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