Season 3, Part 10

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I got up at the crack of dawn, waking up before Levi for once. When he woke up I had already dressed into my uniform and had gone downstairs to get my schedule and do all my work- inform people of their jobs and duties, such as preparing the horses, packing and moving materials, getting everyone in their assigned positions, checking and readying my squad, etc. I had never been so determined in my life.

By the time it was sunset, we stood on the Wall with our horses, waiting to have them transported down the wall and into position.

My mother's locket shone in the sunlight, and I had worn my best bows into pigtails hanging over my shoulders. Earlier all the commanders and higher ups of the military had saluted the squad leaders, the Commander, and I, wishing us luck on our mission. This was gonna be the hardest one yet.

Suddenly, I heard shouting from the townsfolk. I abandoned the trio's side to see what was happening. They were all wishing us luck. When have the civilians ever given us a send-off like this?

"Captain Levi! Lieutenant Valeri! Thank you for saving our city!" I heard one man shout. I stood behind Levi, who had the Commander on his left and Hange on his right, as we all looked down at the townspeople.

"Someone's got a big mouth." Levi muttered. "Well, with all the commotion we made, of course they'd find out." shrugged Hange .

"The thing is, all that meat we ordered was from the Reeves Company." The squad leader next to Hange pointed out. "Damn that Flegel." Another leader groaned.

Some Scouts cheered, enjoying the praise and good wishes, others simply watched.

"As far as I'm aware, this is a first." Erwin shrugged. Out of nowhere, he pumped his fist in the air, and yelled a great battle cry. The townspeople yelled back. He smiled, and yelled again.

The yell totally took me off guard, and I nearly tripped and fell into Levi. Levi was looking at Erwin like he was crazy.

Sasha, Jean, and Connie joined in. "YEAHHH, YOU CAN COUNT ON US!" Their energy really was contagious, and I wanted to yell as well but I knew Levi would judge me.

"The final operation to retake Wall Maria will now commence!" Erwin announced, pointing his blade off into the horizon.

The commander's spirit inspired and gave hope to the soldiers, as they seemed upbeat as we went down the lifts and mounted our horses.

The Commander let out the cry to advance, and we began riding along the wall, letting out our battle cries. Levi seemed particularly annoyed, which was usual of him.

"Do you guys... Have the faintest goddamn clue, what you're doing?" Levi's voice rang into my head.

What's happening?

Where am I?


I was on a rooftop. But where? Was this Shiganshina? Levi was there, covered in blood. Eren and Mikasa were there as well. Myself? I was soaked in blood as well. One of the ribbons my old squad members have given me were gone. All of a sudden, Levi punched Eren. "Levi, wait-!" I cried, but Mikasa had reached Levi in an act of defense for Eren, bringing her blade to his throat. "Mikasa!" I gasped, but she punched me, knocking me back.

"Valeri? Valeri!" Levi's voice rang through my ears. Erwin, Hange, my squad, and himself were looking at me with a worried expression on their faces.

"Are you alright? You were in a trance for a bit and unresponsive." Levi asked. "Oh- I'm fine. Just going into the void. How much time has passed?" I asked, stroking Midnight's mane.

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