Season 3, Part 14

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We used the last of our gas to get up the wall, and once we got up there, oh boy, what a sight to see. There was the giant half-decayed corpse of the Colossal Titan, Eren, Bertholdt, the Beast and the Cart Titan. There was a black charlike thing shaped like a person... Oh no.. Armin??

Levi suddenly slid down the wall, before gaining his senses and getting to the rooftop Eren was on. "Levi-!" I chased after him and arrived shortly after him. We were both such a mess, it was disgusting. I crawled over to the incredibly burnt person. "Ar-Armin!" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks. "That was the last of my gas! Give me yours, and I'll chase him!" Levi quickly asked Eren. "R-Right!" Eren started unbuckling his gear.

Then, suddenly, as I cried over Armin's corpse, I heard him gasp. He's... breathing! "Armin's alive! He's barely breathing! Quick Levi, inject him!" I begged him. Eren scrambled over next to me, crying. "Yeah! Keep it up! Armin's alive!" I heard the sound of ODM gear and feet behind me, and I turned around to see Mikasa, seeing tears in her eyes for the first time ever. "Mi-Mikasa!" I called to her, whipping my hair into my face.

She gasped, then let out a red flare. Levi seemed hesitant while taking out the syringe. I could understand that. As soon as Levi was about to give Eren the injection, Floch turned up. With Erwin on his back. I stood up in shock. "Floch! And E-Erwin?" I asked in surprise.

"Captain... Levi... I finally found you! Commander Erwin is badly wounded! His stomach is gouged, and his organs are demolished! The blood just won't stop! I thought the injection might be able to help, but... What do you think??"

We all sat in silence from disbelief. Just Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Floch, Erwin, Armin and I. This was outrageous. "AAAAGGGHH! I stood up, yanking my hair in disbelief, angry tears pouring from my eyes. "WHY DO WE HAVE TO CHOOSE!? MY CLOSEST FRIEND OR MY CHILDHOOD LITTLE BROTHER! NO NO NO, THIS ISN'T RIGHT! THIS ISN'T FAIR, WHY!?" I screamed, before falling on my knees and cupping my face in my hands, sobbing.

Levi laid Erwin down near Armin, and checked his breath. "He's... Still breathing. He's... Alive." I jumped up and crawled over to Erwin. "Please! Hang in there Erwin!" I cried. Eren turned to me. "Valeri! You'd save Armin, right? We've known you the longest! Please! Take the injection from Levi!" He tried to persuade me.

Levi grabbed my shoulder. "Erwin is more important to humanity! We should save him instead! I know Armin is your childhood friend, but Erwin is more important!" He told me. "I, uh-" I kept stuttering, unsure what to choose. After a bit, I sighed and sadly turned to Eren and Mikasa. "I'm so sorry... But.... Erwin should be the one saved." I told them, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I'm using the injection... On Erwin." Levi announced, standing up. Eren stood up as well, angrily. "You said... You'd use it on Armin!" I pulled him away by the shoulder. "Eren! I know it's Armin, but Erwin is more important to humanity! I'm sorry! I know Armin has been a great help too, but we need Erwin!" I tried to reason with him.

He turned around to face me, his face a mix of enraged and sad. "How could you!? I thought you said the three of us were like little siblings to you! All those years ago! Do you not remember the good times!? You're going to let Armin die!?" I burst into tears again, grabbing his shoulders and gripping them. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! This decision is so hard! But in the sake of humanity, Erwin must be saved!" I cried.

Mikasa drew her blade, growling at Levi. "Mikasa... Don't do it!" I let go of Eren, slowly approaching Mikasa. "Do you guys... Have the faintest damn clue... What you're doing?" He asked the two of them. "It's Erwin... The Commander of the Scouts, and you're saying to watch him die. There's no time for this. Stay out of my way."

He moved towards Erwin, but Eren grabbed his hand, trying to stop him. "Keep your emotions out of this." He told him. "Stop it you two! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but this is what must be done!" I pleaded with them. "Keep my... Emotions out?" Eren asked.

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