Season 1, Part 4

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"Well, that certainly went better than I thought." Hange shrugged later. The commander, Captain, Mike, Hange, Eren, and I were in a small waiting room in the aftermath of the trial.

I was repeatedly bowing and apologizing to Eren as Hange cleaned up his wounds.

"I'm so so so so so so SO sorry Eren! Ahhh I didn't mean to do that, I was doing it to just save your life! You don't hate me do you??" I begged for his forgiveness, crying out and hugging him, rubbing my cheek against his.

"Ow- Valeri, it's alright! I get it, certainly didn't feel much different from when you hit me round the head when I got in trouble with bullies when I was younger." he forgave me, smiling a bit.

I sighed in relief, standing up and scratching the back of my head. "Whew! I really hated doing that, had to put on a show, you know?"

"You should've shown some restraint Valeri- you knocked out a tooth!" Hange whined to me, holding up his tooth she picked up off the floor. "I DID!?" I cried out in agony.

"Tch, you certainly don't show any sympathy like that to the Titans on the battlefield, Valeri." said Levi, approaching me from behind yet AGAIN and making me jump a bit. "Well, they're Titans Captain, while this is my childhood friend. What do you expect?" I told him, tilting my head.

I sighed, before realizing something and then starting to repeatedly apologize and bow to Levi and the commander. "AGHH I can't believe I just realized this, but a subordinate like me took authority during that trial without thinking! It was an honor for me to just be allowed to attend and then I go and do that- many apologies, I'll accept any punishment, I'm sorry for suddenly pulling the trump card like that without asking you two first, captain and commanderrr! I'm such an idiot, I won't do it again!"

The commander merely chuckled, patting my bowed head, and Levi merely did his usual "tch" which was his way of saying "it's fine."

"It's not a problem at all, Valeri. I brought you along because I truly realized a few days ago you are much more capable, intelligent, and understanding of the situation than both you and I thought, even when you didn't realize it at the time. You just need some practice, and you'll be fine. Quite astonishing you are, getting this far in just 2 years. You truly are Rose and Derrick's daughter, for sure. I was expecting you or Levi to do something similar to what you just did now. I must say- Levi brought you up under his care well, what you did is very similar to what I'm sure Levi would've done in that situation."

"R-Really?" I asked, looking up with big eyes and sniffling. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "You can be so dramatic. Yes, Valeri."

"Soo anyway- Eren open wide." Hange broke the quick silence. "Hey- your tooth is growing back."

"Another ability of his, I suppose?" Levi questioned.

"Eren never healed quickly like that when he was a kid. I assume he must've gained this power very recently then- probably somewhere in between the five years he and I were separated." I assumed.

"Well- better head back then. Levi, go tell your squad what happened and your new orders. Eren will be under your squad's care and he will be watched over by everyone in your squad, including you and Valeri, obviously."

"Yes sir. Let's go, brats. You two know who you are." Levi obeyed.

"Y-Y-Yes sir!" I squeaked, saluting to everyone in the room before grabbing Eren's hand and scurrying out the door after Levi.

Later that evening, I introduced Eren to the rest of my squad, with my iconic smile and my hands on my hips.

"Alright guys! This here is Eren, the soldier with the ability to turn into a Titan we've heard of from the battle of Trost! Coincidentally, he's my childhood friend from Shiganshina that I thought was dead for five years from the Titan attack on Wall Maria. Our job is to keep track of him and make sure he doesn't "lose control" as you've all read in the report. It's important as it's in the protocol, but I know him well enough to know he won't lose control! Well- unless his anger issues get the better of him. We're basically hise executioners. I was the one to come up with the idea anyway so don't worry about personal feelings getting in the way for me. Anyway, how about you all introduce yourselves to him, hm?"

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