Season 4, Part 15

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The plan went as followed. Connie and Armin would ride in on the horses and alert Floch, convincing him to give them the flying boat, because the Cart and Armored had "swam" away, and saying they killed Jean and Onyankopon. Then once they secured the flying boat, they would secure the Azumabito.

The rest of us sat from the sidelines. Mikasa, Hange, Jean, and I would wait to come in on Pieck's Titan. If we couldn't handle it Reiner and Annie would use their Titans. Suddenly, we heard several shots from inside the building. Crap. We had to resort to violence.

"Mikasa! You save the Azumabito. I'll kill the ones on the roofs!" I told them, and they nodded. I quickly turned to Levi and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be right back." I told him.

"I know. Just be careful." he mumbled through his bandages. I nodded, and jumped off the Cart Titan.

I jumped up onto the roof, surprising seven men, and their lives ended in the solid 4 seconds, ending each of their miseries in just a second.

I saw Floch fly out the window, and yell to them all. "WE'RE BEING ATTACKED! MIKASA!! ARMIN!! CONNIE!! LIEUTENANT VALERI!! THEY'VE BETRAYED ELDIA! KILL THEM!" he ordered.

Reiner and Annie jumped up right after, and transformed. They started killing the Yeagerists, as I swerved through the air grappling people in the gut and slicing right through them. Hange, Jean, and General Magath shot people from an alley with rifles.

I saw Mikasa fly up again and land on Annie and Reiner to tell them something, then she came to me, killing several people in the way as I sliced and cut and twisted.

"Change of plans! We're leaving by ship and servicing the flying boat on the continent! Annie and Reiner will cover them, kill anyone targeting Reiner and Annie with thunder spears!" she told me.

I nodded. "Got it!"

Hange and Jean came up too, starting to help me kill people. I've already killed around 35 men, I'm guessing. We tried to protect Annie and Reiner, but they kept getting hurt more and more, trying to protect the Azumabito.

I landed on the same roof as Hange and Mikasa. There were close to 50 men left, and they were all attacking Annie and Reiner. "We need to help Annie and Reiner!" Mikasa shouted.

"But... that train full of reinforcements is coming!" Hange warned, pointing towards the train on the side of the mountain to our right.

"We need to stop that thing! Forget about leaving this place! We'll be wiped out here!" Hange told us.

Just after she said that, we heard a loud boom. "Huh!?" 

Hange exclaimed, looking back. The front of the train had blown up.

Just after, Annie and Reiner were shot headless. They were armless too. They were about to be finished off, when...

Connie flew right in front of them, slicing all the people around him.

The remaining forces tried to shoot him, but Hange, Mikasa and I came up from behind them and killed them, and Jean shot people.

The Cart Titan came out from hiding, the kids, Onyankopon, and Levi off her back, and started chomping people with her large jaw.

"Hesitate... And all my friends will die."

Then the Yeagerists started targeting the Cart with thunder spears, and we started being overwhelmed, when we suddenly saw ANOTHER flash of bright light, a Titan transformation.

Falco had transformed into the Jaw Titan.

His Titan form was nothing I had seen before. It looked a bit like... a bird. It was so unique and strange looking.

The Wings We Share (Complete)[OLD] | Levi x OC | AoT FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin