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Race day, 12AM

"I've got a strange feeling about today's race" Alexander says to George with a laugh. "Hmm, maybe a first podium hmmm??" George says, poking Alex' his side teasingly. "That would be awesome, but we'll see" Alex says as they walk upon the paddock. "It's kinda weird tho, how close the whole field is" The Redbull driver says "hell you were nearly in Q2!" He continues, making George laugh softly.

The two continue their walk as a very happy Lando Norris Hops past them. "Oi! Lando!" The youngest Brit turns around and smiles at his two friends. "Why you so happy mate?" George asks, making Lando grin. "They say Lewis might get a penalty for ignoring yellow flags yesterday" the Mclaren driver says, making Alex hop up. "So that means.." Alex says, before Lando continues. "Second row for us babeeyyy!!" Lando and Alex scream like girls and hug eachother.

"Who were you calling baby?" A sudden Spanish accent. Lando smirks as he turns around, knowing it's his stupid teammate. "Alex, we're gonna get married" Lando said while he grabs Alex his hand. "Wait wha-" Alex says, making the others laugh.

"Why were you even aski- were you jealous??" Lando says with a bigger smirk then before, making Carlos cross his arms. "In your dreams, little one." He replied, making Lando chuckle. "Just admit that you were jealous for a second!!" Lando screamed as Carlos started to walk of to the garage, the young Brit following him. "Never!" The Spanish driver said back, smirking at his younger teammate.

"The ship is real" George said with a laugh. "Hmm well come on, there are actually plenty of ships on the grid." Alex says, making his friend nod. The Williams driver stares a bit at the Thai, which got noticed by him. "You're staring" Alex said with a grin "Don't worry, I know I'm beautiful" he continues before George could reply. "You wish mate" George laughs, just like Alex as they start to walk to their garages.

After the race

Returning to the garage after that podium celebration felt so good. It was great to see everyone so happy, and Lando knew how much the team worked for this. After they took plenty of photos, Lando could finally get back to the hotel. Don't get me wrong. Lando loved this. Celebrating and just be happy. But so much happened today, it's crazy, and the young Brit was exhausted.

Not everyone was celebrating tho. A certain Dutch driver was extremely pissed. Last two years he managed to win here, and now he was the first one not to finish the race. Redbull didn't have the greatest day in general. Alex was so close to a podium yet again, but it just wasn't ment to be, Alex thought. He was sad, obviously, but his time would come, he knew it would.

The team which could complain the most had got to be Haas, because what a terrible race for that poor team. Both drivers didn't manage to get to the finish, and it was frustrating as hell. There were a lot of DNF's, so that made it a little bit less noticable, but that didn't ease the pain. Both drivers, and the whole team, where angry and sad. Dramatic.

Sergio on the other hand had mixed feelings. He was driving so good the whole race, and he was happy with a 6th place obviously, but he could have been on the podium. The team did so well the whole weekend, just like the car. But in the end, it goes all wrong.

When Daniel turned up at the drivers dinner, it was unexpectedly loud. He kind of expected it to be quiet as the race was pure chaos, but arguments were flaming up. Even tho the Renault driver got a DNF, he was still smiling as always. It might have been a bit less wider, but it was still visable.

"But come on man, where was Lewis ment to go?" Esteban asked, but it wasn't really sounding like a question. "Oh come on, Alex is obviously in front of him. He didn't even try to turn to the right!" George fired back, defending his friend who is sitting next to him, quietly. Just like Lewis. They were both already fine with each other, but the others still find it necessary to argue.

Sebastian stood up which drew everyones attention. "Okay, I think it's the best that we enjoy the rest of our day, even tho some may be sad" he said, pointing at a frowning Max for example. "Or happy" he said, pointing at the beaming, yet bit concerned, Lando. The rest nods in agreement as Seb sits down. "Well done" Lewis whispered to the German while laying his hand on Seb's thigh, which got returned by a soft smile.

Slowly but surely, the drivers started to be happy again, making jokes just like they do at the house. Of course, many drivers were disapointed by their result, but giving each other support was what most of them needed.

"Lando, what is the best thing about Finland?" Daniel asks with a wide smile to the younger boy who is wrapped in Carlos' arms. "Kimi?" Lando answers, making Daniel laugh. "That wasn't my answer but it made me laugh!" Daniel said, laughing louder just like Lando. "But what's the awnser then?" Pierre asked, kinda getting curious now. "Oh, I don't know, but the flag is a big plus" he said with a big grin, making Lando laugh out while tears stream down his cheeks. The rest laughs aswell at the stupid joke Daniel made, just like always.

When it slowly became silent, George smiled to himself. It's actually adorable how we can help each other through harder times, and celebrate at the best moments. Of course, fans started to notice how close the grid was, and not only on track. But the fans didn't know about the house. It was a secret for them and the media. The drivers were glad to have a bit of privacy, that's for sure.

When the dinner was done, most of the drivers returned to their room or went out to party. Charles was walking down the hall in the hotel when he saw Pierre walking a bit further, looking down at his phone. He ran up next to him as he wrapped an arm around him. The Frenchman flinched a bit but calmed down when he saw the smile of the Monegasque. "Hey" Charles casually says, making Pierre laugh softly. "Hey" he said back, leaning in the touch. They kept on walking like that, Pierre smiling brightly, just like the Ferrari driver next to him.


Hey guyss!

Sorry for not uploading a few days ago.. I was quite busy but I still hope you liked the two chapters kind of... :)


The race went very different then I expected, obviously sad by the result of Max and Seb, but I'm sooo happy for lando and Mclaren!!

I hope you have enjoyed the race aswell, and reading these chapters!! Do u want me to keep on going like this for the upcomming races?? I mean.. they aren't really returning home as they stay in Austria right now soo..

Thanks for reading this chapter!

I love you all!!
Xx M🧡

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