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Saturday, 6AM

Lando woke up with a cough as he sits up, holding his hands in front of his mouth while closing his eyes. He slowly opens them as he sees a person next to him. He flinches at first as a sudden flashback from the man of yesterday ran through his mind, but relaxed when he saw his teammate. Lando ran his hand through Carlos' hair while looking at his sleeping state with a smile.

Lando couldn't thank Carlos more by comforting him and taking care of him. He knows he is a trouble maker and it sometimes scares him to think that Carlos could get annoyed by the younger one. That he doesn't want to be around him anymore.

The Brit got pulled out of his thought as Carlos wakes up. Carlos stretches his arms while yawning as he looks at Lando, who is looking back aswell. "Hola" he said as he sits up opens his arms for Lando to join the hug. "Hola" Lando said back with a smile as he hugs the Spaniard closely.

Carlos frowns when the younger one started to cough, pulling him up on his lap so he could look him in the eyes. He holds one hand to the younger ones forhead as he looks worried. "Are you feeling ill?" He asks. Lando shrugs as he plays with the hem of Carlos' shirt. "You'll feel better through the day" Carlos said as he kisses the top of his head before crawling out of bed, just like Lando so the two could get ready.

After qualy

"Lewis you, mother.. trucker" Daniel said as he laughs, patting Lewis' shoulder. Lewis laughs gently as he looks at the Aussie. "Congrats on the 90th pole. That's nuts" Daniel said as the two walk over the paddock. "It is" it really is Lewis thought. As a little boy at the kart track, dreaming about being a formula 1 driver one day. Now, walking over the grid with his 90th pole in his pocket.

"Well man, you deserve it" Daniel said before running into the Renault garage. "Thankyou!" Lewis shouted after him before heading to the front of the paddock. Just when he's about to put his paddock pass to the entrace scanner, Seb quickly crosses his way and quickly puts his pass to the scanner as he flashes a smile at Lewis, but the Brit could obviously see the big grin through it.

Sunday morning

"CarlooOooss" Lando screams like they usually call each other as he walks into the Spaniard's room. "LandOoo" Carlos walks around the corner with a laugh as Lando walks closer to him. "I'm feeling fine again" Lando said like a happy child in a candy shop. "That's great to hear Lando. Have you got everything to head to the track?" Carlos asks, seeing how the younger one pulled the bag on his shoulder like he's a seventh-grader and a big smile on his face as he nods. "Good, let's go" Carlos said with a smile as he grabs the younger one's hand and pulls him with him out of the room.

"Argh, George! (Yes, say it in your mind how you need to do it😌) why do I always have to wait for you!" Alexander said as he stands frustratingly in front of George's room. "I'm sorry! Just wait one.. sec.." George screamed back from out of his room as Alex frustratingly taps his foot on the floor.

"Your Williams is even faster then you are!" Alex shot to the Brit as he then eventually walks out of his room. "Hey hey hey, you need to shush Albono. I start in front of you" George said as he swings his arms around the Thai, ruffling with his hair as Alex groans. "That's the sad thing about it" Alex said. "Awe, shh. You'll do great today. Podium together aye?" George said with a wink, making Alexander laugh.

After the race, at the hotel

"Max, you fool" Max heard behind him as he walks through the hallway on his way to his room. Daniel walks up to him with a smirk as he wraps an arm losely around the Dutch boy. "Crash even tho the race didn't even start" Daniel whispered, his smirk getting even wider. With that, the Renault driver earned a punch from Max as he walks off.

Daniel groans but still laughs as he runs after Max. He wraps his arms around his waist to make him stop as he mumbles into the crook of Max his neck. "Sorry, mon amour, mon crème de la crème, I'm so sorry!" He cried out dramatically. "Daniel, what the.." Max laughs just like Daniel as they walk to the hotelroom.

"Whatever people may think of you," Sebastian said as he sits on the bed with his legs crossed over Lewis' who looked at Seb behind his phone. "You drove like it was the easiest thing in the world" Seb finished with a genuine laugh as Lewis smiles at him. "You drove great today aswell, Sebbie" he said as the German crawled closer.

Carlos shushed Lando after he wanted to celebrate his goal in the 89th minute on FIFA, making the score 2-1 for him. "Mi corazón, some drivers might already be asleep. You have to stay a bit more quiet" Carlos said as he focused on the screen. Lando defences like his life depends on it as he smirks. "You just don't want to hear my celebrations 'cuz you're jealous" he said on a teasing voice.

"Jealous? How can I be jealous of you?" Carlos shot back when the game was done with a grin, making the younger boy gasp."meanie" he mumbled as he crossed his arms while a pout appeared on his face. "Ahh you know I didn't mean it" Carlos said, pulling the younger one on his lap.

"I know, just wanna see the softie in you" Lando said with a laugh. the Brit yelps as Carlos throws him off his lap on the bed. "No cuddles for you" the Spaniard said as Lando winces. "You know your soft side is cute, just admit it!" Lando said as a pointed at Carlos. "Never" the Spaniard said while crawling next to Lando.

Charles was standing on his balcony as he watched the Budapest. He was realistic about the point that the car wasn't where it should be, but he was proud of the fights he pulled up today and fought the best he could. Someone who was proud of him was Pierre, who decided to join the Monegasque on the balcony.

"I'm proud of you" Pierre said as he wraps his arms around Charles waist. He was sad of the DNF, but he could watch the race and see some drivers really knock for what they're worth. Charles kissed the top of the Frenchman's head as he smiled. "I'm proud of you aswell. Just unfortunate that you had an engine failure". Pierre shrugs as he looks up to the stars.

"Antoine is proud of us aswell, from up there" Pierre said with a smile as he rubs the Monegasques arm. "Oui, I know he is" Charles said, holding Pierre closer as they look up to the sky. A star blinket a bit brighter then the rest for not longer then a second, but both drivers smiled widely as they feel warmth shoot through their body.


Hey all!!

Jeezuuusss crazy race today aswell! The season hasn't got us bored (except from Mercedes ofc like ugh I just hate their dominance sorryyy). It feels so normal to have a race week but obviously, no raceweek next week, and then onto Silverstonee!

It's so sad to think that I would have gone to Hungary man. It would be my first race.. :( but oh well.. maybe next year.. what did you think of this race?


Love you all!!
Xx M🧡

Oh and sorry this chapter took so long, I wrote this within an hour so sorry if it's a bit shit. I'll try my best next chapter!! XD

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