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"Okay but like, nobody can see me in this hoodie" Pierre whispered to Charles who was walking next to him. "Oh, only the boys will see. There aren't many people in Hungary for this weekend yet and it's.." Charles looks down at his watch. "9PM, sooo". Pierre was wearing Charles' Ferrari hoodie, since he had left his own Alpha Tauri hoodie at his hotelroom as he didn't expect it to cool down so much at night.

"I know but you know it's dangerous. Don't play like it's nothing" Pierre huffed as the duo walked up the hill, on their way to the campfire Daniel and Max had planned. "Yeah yeah, Lando wears Carlos his hoodies aswell so what's the problem?" Charles agrued. Pierre glared at the Ferrari driver.

"Are you really that stupid? Lando and Carlos are teammates! They have the same clothing line!" Pierre shouts, but Charles quiets him down. "Pear (hahah thanks for the nickname Babb1ee ), shhh. I'm stupid, I'm stupid" Charles said with a soft laugh, making the Frenchman next to him laugh aswell.

"Hey Charles and Pierre!" Daniel happily said as the duo sat down on a tree trunk. "Hey" Charles said with a soft chuckle as he looks around. Pierre holds his hands immediately at the fire. He even stole my hoodie and he's still cold? Charles thought. "Charles, Pierre catch!" Daniel said as he threw some marshmallows at the duo. They could catch them all, but Pierre fell backwards off the tree trunk, making everyone laugh.

Lewis had brought his guitar to the campfire and started playing 'Fast car - Peter Getgely'. The sound so perfect along with the crackling sound of the fire. Alex feels himself slowly drifting away along the music, looking at the fire. He lays his head on George's shoulder who's sitting next to him and feels his eyes slowly closing. The Williams driver smiles and wraps his arm around the Thai, pulling him even closer.

The boys were all chilling around the fire when someone suddenly got a call. Alex woke up from the sudden sound as the drivers look from who's phone the sound comes. 'Neighbours' popped up on Lewis' screen as him and Seb look up confused at each other. "I'll be right back" Lewis slowly said while standing up and walking away away from the group. "Oh my god, what if someone broke into our house!" Alex says worriedly. "Hey, hey. That didn't happen. I'm sure of it" George said, resturing the worried Thai.

Lewis came back, a worrying look on his face. "Enrico was found on the street in the village" Lewis says softly. Lando shoots up with a worried look on his face. "O-oh no, is he alright? W-what happened to him?" Lando asks, obviously worrying about their dog and his cuddle-buddy, when Carlos wasn't there to do that obviously.

"Shh, don't worry Lando. He's fine" Lewis tried calming down the younger Brit, which worked slightly. "I don't know how he got out of the house, but the paw where we helped him was hurt again. They'll take him to the vet, but they wanted to call us first" Lewis calmly said.

"Luckily he's in good hands" Carlos said as he pulls Lando on his lap. Lando blushed heavily at their position in front of the others but for now, he just wanted comfort. "Enrico will be fine" Carlos soothes while rubbing Lando's back. "I-I should have taken him with me with traveling. T-then he wouldn't have gone out and hurt himse-" Lando gets cut off in his sentence as Carlos pushes his finger against Lando's lips. "Shh, you know we can't take him with us. Plus, you couldn't predict the future. You're not a fortune teller or something" Carlos said with a laugh. Lando laughs softly and cuddles himself tightly while still sitting on Carlos' lap.

George quickly takes a photo again, just like he's made many photos of the two when they don't realize. "I don't think you should post this one on social media. Might be too personal" Alex whispers next to him. "Yeah, just saving the moment for later, you know" George whispers back with a wink. George added it to the 'papaya🥺' album in his phone, having already 28 photos of the duo.

"Why can't I have that" Antonio said with a pout. "Oh come on, I saw you and Daniil the other day" Seb said with a smirk as he poked the Italian in his side. Antonio blushed and looked up shocked at the comment Sebastian made. "Mamma mia, mamma mia" Antonio said as he stood up and walked down the hill. "Did he just leave?" Max said with a laugh. "I guess" Lewis said before laughing while the other drivers laugh aswell.

(New ship!?!? I dunno had to think of something neww help meh out guyss!)

"But what's gonna happen to Enrico now?" Charles asks as he looks at Lewis. "We'll see what will happen after he goes to the vet. I'll maybe head home after this raceweekend" Lewis said. Lando pokes his head up and crawls off Carlos' lap. "I wanna go home aswell. I need to see Enrico" Lando said. "Then I'm going home aswell" Carlos said, as Lando gave him a thankful smile.

"Alright, I think every driver has to look for themself if they go to silverstone already or go to the house. Or go to family or other stuff of course" Lewis said, which made everyone nod. "I miss the house to be honest, even tho I love to be back racing again" Max said, looking at the campfire. "Same honestly" Seb said, grabbing Lewis' guitar and handing it over to the Mercedes driver so he could play again.

The night went on and when it was around 11PM, the drivers headed to the hotel again since it was getting too cold now. "Daniel! Don't eat the rest of the marshmallow, you fat ass!" Max yelled after Daniel as the two were running down the hill. "They always call us kids but look at them" George said to Alex, Lando and Carlos. Well not really to Lando because he was sleeping while Carlos carries on his back.

"Luckily this goes down hill. I couldn't carry this big baby up the hill" Carlos said with a chuckle. "I'm still awake" Lando mumbled sleepily into the Spaniard his neck. "Why am I carrying you then?" Carlos asks as he plays to be shocked. "Because you love meee" Lando said a bit sleep drunk. The other three laugh as Carlos hops Lando a bit higher on his back so he can't slip away with a smile.

Seb and Kimi were walking as the last two people in the group as they walk along side each other. "You show more of yourself Kimi" Seb softly said as he looks at the group in front of them. Kimi looks up and shrugs. "I'm proud" Seb said, making Kimi smile lightly. The two didn't know that Lewis was silently listening to the conversation. Lewis smiled as he heard Seb say 'I'm proud'. Sebastian always made sure that everyone felt alright, even when he feels terrible himself. Lewis tried to do that for Seb, but it was still difficult. But Lewis will get there eventually, he know he will.


Hey all!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading :) THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE 2K READSSS YOU ALL ARE INCREDIBLEEE❤️❤️

I'll update again on sunday, the whole weekend in one chapter, if you guys are fine with that??

Also... Seb to RP?! Which means Sergio or Lance will be out.. I thought.. maybe RP/Aston Martin will line up with Seb and Sergio and Daddy stroll will buy a new team?? Idkk what do u think??

Oh and..It might get more difficult to write chapters since every raceweek is now the same nearly.. but I try my best! If you have any ideas for chapter, doesn't mather if it's about traveling or at the house itself, please share them with me!!

I love you all!!
Xx M🧡

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