Chapter Fourty One - Results

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Jungkook squealed and tried his best to get away from Hoseok and his tickly fingers that were relentlessly attacking at his sides. "Stop it!" He squealed and he kept laughing and trying to get away from him. He looked to EunWoo and Sanha but he could tell that neither of them were going to offer to save him from Hoseok. "Someone Help!" He shouted, hoping someone from the house might have a small chance of hearing him and coming to rescue him.

"No one will hear you, bunny boy. You are my prisoner now and forever." Hoseok said, his voice deep and quickly followed by an evil chuckle as he started to tickle him more.

"I don't think so. No one tortures my babies other than me." Jin said, having just finished the cookies and coming to the greenhouse with everyone else to have some cookies together. He picked Jungkook up from Hoseok and started to tickle Jungkook, just as ruthlessly.

"Noooo," Jungkook whined, why did people always want to tickle him. As he tried to get away he saw Yoongi and knew exactly what to do to be saved. "Yoongi-Hyung." He said, making his eyes big and his voice drip with sorrow as he reached out towards him, silently begging him to save him from this relentless tourture.

"Right, that is enough, the little prince isn't happy and you'll make him cry." Yoongi said as he walked over and took Jungkook off his only older mate and held him close. "Poor baby, were they torturing you again?" He asked his baby with a smile as he kissed his forehead and held him close. "They are always torturing you, aren't they?"

"Yeah." Jungkook said as he cuddled into Yoongi and held Bora closer to his chest. "They wouldn't stop even though I asked them to." He said with a pout on his lips to get more sympathy and attention from his mate.

Yoongi sat on one of the sofas with Jungkook straddling his lap so the two were chest to chest. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around both of them. He knew Jungkook wasn't actually all that bothered by what was going on but he didn't mind that Jungkook was only acting. His little prince wanted love and he wasn't going to deny their little Kookie that.

Jimin walked over and joined them, stealing a little bit of blanket and cuddling into Yoongi's side, one of his arms wrapping around Jungkook's body. "Hey, baby." He said and kissed Jungkook on the cheek. "I missed you." He told him as the three all cuddled up together.

"I missed you too." Jungkook said with a smile before looking at Yoongi, "Thank you for saving me." He told him with a bright grin on his face.

"Anytime, Little Prince." He told him as he ran a hand through Jungkook's hair as he pulled him a little bit closer to him. "Now are you ready to choose which cookies are the best ones?" He asked.

"No, we already decided that Kookie is the best cookie." Hoseok said from where he was still sitting.

"We still need to try the cookies. I want to see who has the best." Jungkook said, not what he meant though. The truth was he just wanted to have cookies, just like earlier.

"Come on then. Let's try them." Eunwoo said as he picked up the cookie closest to him. None of the four judges knew which cookie was made by who so it was top secret. This was going to be as fair as it could possibly be.

Jungkook got off of Yoongi's lap and reached forward, grabbing a random cookie off the plate closest to him, "Are we doing an out of ten thing?" Jungkook asked, "Or are we trying them all and then say which we like the most?" He asked before he took a bite and hummed happily. This was almost perfect, not too solid, only a little bit too soft, almost the perfect middle. It was very sweet, maybe slightly too sweet but he still really liked it.

"Try them all and then just point to the one you like the most, the cookies with the most favourites will be the winner." Namjoon said from where he sat on the arm of one of the sofas, Tae leaning against him.

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