Chapter Eighteen - Powers

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Mornings had never been the easiest for Jungkook. He hated to get up in the mornings, probably because he was a night owl and because his apartment was always freezing. He'd considered trying to be nocturnal when he was about seventeen and had a lot of time off. He thought maybe that would of made it easier to get up and go about his day. When he went to try it though his parents stopped him, saying he was being stupid and immature and childish trying to do something stupid, so needless to say he never tested his theory.

Now he had the answer though. He wasn't sure if all vampires were nocturnal creatures or if it was something that a nest chose but his was, at least for now since the sun and him really didn't get along with each other. Through this life change he learned that waking up when the sun was already down was no different to waking up when the sun was up. It was still horrible to wake up and get out of bed even now. He still didn't want to get out of bed, or nest as it had been for the past five or so nights, although the reasons were different now.

Before, he wanted to stay in bed because the apartment was cold or the classes he had were the worst, sometimes it was because he knew the crushing weight of responsibilities would catch up on him the second his foot touched the floor. Sometimes it was the loneliness that kept him in bed. Like the knowledge there no one was going to be there to say good morning to him and ask him how he slept. Even before he lived on his own he didn't have that but he had always wanted it. Someone to just care that he survived the night, that his eyes did open that morning.

Now though, what kept him in bed was the comfort of the bed or nest, was how comfortable and perfect it was. When he was in the nest he was held close and with all of his mates. they were all in the same room and in the same area instead of spread out around the place. He was so warm as well. More than just because he was under loads of blankets and surrounded by six other people but there was a warm and fuzzy feeling that came from being cuddled up with them that wasn't quiet as strong at any other time of the day than it was early morning with them all.

The last reason was kind off humorous and sounded like a joke but it was an actual fact. He was becoming incredibly lazy.

Yeah, it sounds like a joke and you can laugh all you want about it but it was true. With six older, stronger, taller and loving mates he hadn't really had to do anything for himself. He had been extremely spoilt by them all. They all knew they were pampering and giving Jungkook more than he could ever need or ask for but none of them cared about that. The second Jungkook yawned he was being held and carried where ever they were going at the time and he loved it as it meant he got to have more cuddles and he could snuggle up against someone, which would lead to them being happy as well and giving him kisses. So yeah, becoming increasingly lazy was something that was happening.

Sure, he had still been dancing so he wasn't completely lazy but he had started to feel like he needed to be doing more. The call had stopped him from caring about that for a few days but he was beginning to feel better now and it was bringing that restless feeling back. He felt the need to be doing something to work his brain. He was back to dancing with Jimin and Hoseok now and they spent hours in Hoseok's dance studio some days, so that helped with the restlessness but he never really did anything that required him to use his brain. He didn't have anything to read or learn so his brain was often trying to think of questions that he wanted answers to. Things he could learn about to understand his new life better.

Plus, with nothing to learn his brain liked going back to the harder hitting questions about his parents that he was trying not to think about. Since his talk with Tae and after a day of drinking blood properly again he was determined to not let his stupid parents cause him any more pain and heart brake, if they couldn't and didn't love him then that was their loss, not his. He didn't need their love, he had the love of his mates. So while it still hurt he wasn't going focus on it. Which meant he needed a distraction for his brain.

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