Chapter Fifty Eight - Something New

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Everything was falling apart completely.

No one was getting on with each other, no one was settling and everyone wanted nothing to do with each other.

The two nests were still in the same house but they avoided each other as much as they could. They didn't hate each other or anything, it was a case of they were all running high on instinct and when they were around each other everything was far too tense and they were constantly ready to attack one another so trying to work together right now was very counterproductive.

They had tried to sit together and plan some strategies on how to get their youngests back to them but it quickly turned into arguing between them as instincts were as high as they could be right now. Two nests mixing together with instincts being the front and center meant a lot of shouting, a lot of restraining and just all round unpleasant and chaotic behaviour between them all.

"I'll go out and look again, see if I can find anything." Yoongi said, he was currently sitting in the living room with his mates. Jungkook and Sanha had been missing for three days now and everyday at least one of them went out and tried to look for anything that could lead them to their missing nestling.

In reality it was completely pointless to do this, if there were clues they would have found them already and all the unbonded had left the area now that they had what they wanted. Still, they didn't stop trying, it may be useless but it made them feel like they were actually doing something, like they were at least trying to get Jungkook back to them.

"What? So we can just be reminded of how useless we are at finding them?" Taehyung asked, not even thinking before he spoke. He'd been rather insufferable since they lost Jungkook. Every comment came out snappy and he was very quick to lose his temper and apologies didn't come till much later on if ever.

"Well I don't see you contributing any ideas." Yoongi shot back, he wasn't really dealing well with Tae right now, he was stressed enough without Taehyung's snappy comments making things worse.

"Well what can be done? The only thing that can be done is Hoseok-Hyung can finally make his stupid gift work and tell us where Jungkook is. Nothing else will work so stop wasting your time." Taehyung said as he stood up from the sofa he had been sitting on and shrugged Jimin's hand off of him when the older had tried to keep him sat down.

"He's trying Tae, leave him alone." Jin said, a warning in his voice, "You are worried and hurt and that's totally understandable but I won't tolerate you taking it out on us." He told him, "So either calm down or walk away." He told him. He was exhausted, he wanted to have his nestling back, he wanted his mates to be happy, he wanted to be able to relax, to sleep. To just hold all of his mates close and keep them safe and never let anyone and everyone.

"Well trying isn't good enough! Do you have any idea what Jungkook is going though right now? I do. I know exactly what Jungkook is going through right now and I know exactly how it will be making him feel!" Taehyung shouted at them, his voice breaking a bit but he refused to cry, anger was useful, crying would get him nowhere. He couldn't even begin to think of what the unbonded had put him and Jimin though, it hurt too much, but to now think of his only maknae in the situation he once was in? The thought brought far too many emotions to him all at once.

"Tae, calm down." Jimin said as he stood up and walked over to Taehyung, resting his hand lightly on his arm, "Come with me." He said, guiding Taehyung out of the room and towards his own. He knew what Taehyung was talking about, after all he did go through it himself, but he also was trying to just stay strong. For Jungkook.

Tae didn't bother resisting and just left with Jimin, "You know I'm right." He mumbled to Jimin, "We are the only two here who have any idea what is actually happening to Jungkook right now." He said as he walked into Jimin's room and sat on the older's bed. "Only it will be worse for him."

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