Chapter One- The Incident

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Jungkook was walking home after a long day of classes. He was pretty exhausted and having to stay at the library after hours to do some work on a very important essay really hadn't been ideal but with no money left to pay for internet that month he hadn't had a choice but to stay until this late at night if he didn't want to risk his grades dropping. His grades were important to him since he needed to become a successful lawyer. He didn't have connections to get him there so he had to have the best grades to even stand a chance.

In all honesty, he didn't care if he became a lawyer or not, in fact, he'd prefer not to. However, he didn't have much of a choice if he wanted his parents praise and approval, which naturally he did like any other person would. Nothing hurt more than when his parents weren't happy with him.

As he was walking he pulled his oversized coat tighter around himself to try and stay just a little bit warmer but it wasn't as successful as he hoped it would be, he was still freezing. He expected that though since it was late October and winter was fast approaching despite what the calendars may say.

He shook his head too cast away his thoughts and stop himself from getting distracted by anything and just focus on getting himself home and curled up in his bed so he could rest. That's all he wanted to do right now, rest and forget about any problems that he has going on at the minute with all the academic and financial stresses he currently had.

As he walked down the street to his apartment, he thought he saw a shadow of some sort behind him and he paused to check and see what it was. However, when he turned around he couldn't see anything behind him, no person or animal was anywhere to be seen. He guessed it was just a bat or something that had flown past the lamp and left it at that.

Sighing, he kept walking, trying to ignore the sense of dread that was slowly building up inside of him for reasons he just couldn't comprehend as he knew it wasn't due to the school work since he'd just finished it all before. "Pull yourself together." He mumbled as he got frustrated with himself.

A sense of being watched started to accompany his growing anxiety as the shadow continued to follow him, or at least what seemed to be following him.

To his side Jungkook noticed an alley way where he could of sworn he heard something being knocked over so he paused to have a look, he couldn't not check, even if curiosity did kill the cat.

He was hoping to find a dog or bird or something that could of been the shadow, something that could of just knock over a bin or anything like that so he could finally have an answer to all of his panics and just go home with a calmed mind and sleep before his next day.

That never happened though.

Despite all his best efforts, Jungkook couldn't see the cat that he hoped was causing all the trouble.

That's because there was no cat there, in fact, there was no cat, bird or bat following him, currently. However, he was being followed.

Jungkook went to turn around and just head home when a sudden force pushed him back with no mercy and no time to react before his head collided with the hard brick wall at the back of the alley. He felt all the air leave his body as the impact hand winded him. A hand was around his throat before he could even try to regain his breath and he started to panic. His heart was pounding in his chest and he reached his hands out to try and push the figure away from him.

"Forgive me."

That was the last thing he heard before pain flared up in his body. There was something in his neck and he couldn't figure out what it was, all he knew was that it hurt and it was making him dazed and unresponsive. Try as he might to figure out what was going on he couldn't, his brain just wouldn't let him do any of that.

He was losing his consciousness fast, either due to whatever the male was doing, his lack of oxygen, the terrible sleep schedule he had or the bump to the head.

Regardless, he was fading fast and pain was all he was aware of.

"P-please, stop." He called out in a small voice as tears filled his eyes. That just made the figure tense up and the pain in his neck to worse. He let out a cry at that and felt the tears fianlly begin to fall.

He wanted this over, he wanted the pain to go away and whatever was in his neck to be gone. He silently begged for anything that would make it stop, even if it was only for a second that the pain stopped. As long as it went away, he'd be happy.

Luckily for him, small mercies exist.

He heard what sounded like a meow and felt something jump over his head and he guessed onto the figure in front of him. It caused the figure enough shock to let go of him and stagger backwards.

Jungkook collapsed as soon as the figure was no longer in front of him but he didn't pass out. He was still painfully concious as everything seemed to register for him at once.

The pain in his neck was a bite. A vampire bite. He'd never believed in the super natural despite all the 'true' stories his grandfather used to tell him. Now he wished he'd listened to them.

He expected panic to fill him, since he honestly believed he'd die right here and now but the sensation of dread nerve came and if it did, the feeling was blocked out by the burning pain coursing through his body.

"Look what you've done Tae!" He heard someone curse from in front of him but his vision was too blurry to work anything out.

"I-I'm sorry, h-hyung, I didn't mean to." Came another voice that sounded so pained and scared. He hated that sound, whoever made it didn't suit it.

"We've got to move him, pick him up, quickly." The first voice said again.

"I-its okay, I've got you." He heard the second voice again as he felt arms pick him up and it seemed to calm some of the pain.

That was the last thing Jeon Jungkook was ever aware of.


1131 words.

This is my first fanfiction on this account so I hope you enjoy it. I know it's probably not that good but it's a first attempt and I tend to get better at things as I get into them more so I'm hoping there will be clear progress as I write the up coming chapters.

Please let me know what you think in the comments and how you think I could improve. 💜

Recently, people have been saying there are lots of similarities between my fanfiction and Arobeebee 's fanfiction 'It Might Just Come Back To Bite You' both of us are aware and have talked about there fact that there are similar traits. If that offends you and your not happy about it then PM me and complain there. We are both aware of the situation and have delt with it ourselves. That the end of it.

Also, sorry for the lack of quality and length in this chapter, it was clearly rushed and bad. As you go through the book I believe the quality picks up and there are chapters a whole lot longer than this one so please don't judge the whole book off of this one chapter.

Stay safe everyone.

Love you all. 💜💜

My Nestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें