Chapter Thirty Eight - Scent

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"Full?" Yoongi asked with a gentle smile on his lips as he looked down at Namjoon with pure love in his eyes as he watched the only mate he turned lap lightly at his neck so that none of his blood would get waisted.

"Yeah, thank you." Namjoon said as he cuddled into Yoongi. He was kind of exhausted and wanted to sleep but he knew Yoongi had questions and his love deserved answers to the questions he had. "Do you want me to answer those questions or are you enjoying trying to work them out for yourself?" Namjoon asked him with a small laugh as he looked up at Yoongi.

"What did Jungkook dream of that had him so panicked when he woke up?" Yoongi finally asked Namjoon with a small sigh. He wanted the answer but he had a very strong feeling that he wasn't going to like the story Jungkook lived through in his dreams.

Namjoon sighed a little bit, he knew Yoongi was going to ask that question first, his mate had been thinking of it ever since they managed to get the boy to wake up from the nightmare and now they wanted the answer. "It was a dream similar to your past. He was being burnt because you and him were caught being together, I don't know what got you caught. If we asked I don't think he would know either, I think the dream started with him being tied up to be killed." Namjoon told him, "You were being forced to watch by your parents and Jungkook was trying to call out to you so that you could save him but you couldn't get away from your parents." Namjoon said, closing his eyes tightly as he recalled Jungkook's dream in vivid detail while Yoongi's memories of watching countless men burning because of him also entered his head. He had a strict no lying policy though and no secrets unless they were better told at a later date or if it was a surprise so he forced himself to continue telling the story. "Jungkook couldn't get away and none of us other than you were there. Next thing Jungkook was aware of was his parents setting the pire alive and burning him to death. The fire burning his skin and the smoke stopping his lungs from working was what woke him up." Namjoon said as he tried his best to calm down a little.

It was just a dream, he knew that, yet it wasn't. He saw his baby mate dying for loving who he wanted to love. He watched his hyung get destroyed not just in the dream but all the memories Yoongi had. Their human lives didn't really bother them and Yoongi as a vampire had killed far more people than his father did as king but that wasn't the point. It had been Yoongi's greatest traum as a human and that always lingered a little bit no matter how long you lived for.

"So it's my fault." Yoongi finally concluded, "I'm the cause of all of his nightmares." Yoongi said as he felt sick. He was causing his little love to go through so much pain and suffering while forcing the loves of his life to sit by and watch, completely helpless and unable to do anything.

"No, don't say that." Namjoon said, shaking his head as he turned to face him, "It isn't your fault at all." Namjoon said. "It's not your fault. Sure that sort of dream isn't uncommon but he had other nightmares as well." Namjoon said, "Like a dream where we didn't find him when he got burnt, or where Jimin didn't forgive him for their first morning together. There is so much that he dreams of and it's all to do with things he regrets doing himself and what he wished never happened to us." Namjoon told Yoongi. "So he's not suffering at all because of you and we're going to sort this out. We can help him, I know we can." Namjoon said as he leaned up and pressed his lips to Yoongi's to try and distract him from his thoughts.

"I'm not falling for your trap, I'm only kissing back because I want to." Yoongi mumbled against Namjoon's lips as he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist and held him a little closer.

"I know." Namjoon said with a smile as he pulled away from the kiss a little bit. "You never do." Namjoon said before he felt Yoongi's lips on his again and he allowed himself to melt into the feeling, happily letting Yoongi have control of the kiss. He'd let Yoongi have control of everything and anything in his life because his creator made him feel so incredibly safe. He loved all of his mates but around his maknae he felt a constant need to protect them, keep them safe from even tripping over or a slightly negative thought so with his hyungs he felt he could just relax and let go of any and all control. Yoongi naturally made all of his mates feel safe so Namjoon just relaxed completely with him, knowing nothing bad could ever happen as long as Yoongi was with them.

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