Chapter Thirty One - Explanations

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"Jimin, Tae, let's go for a walk." Jin said, wanting them not to be here for this. The two didn't need to hear what they already knew from personal experiences and they didn't need the memories to come back to the surface. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok could explain it to Jungkook.

"I'm fine, I want to stay." Jimin said, he didn't want his past to be controlling him, he wanted to not let it get in the way of helping Jungkook learn what he needed to know for the future.

"I know you are fine," Jin said, "however I think Tae would like you to come with us, you can talk to Jungkook about it later if you really want to." Jin said.

Jimin froze a little, he hadn't really thought about it that way, "Okay." He said as he stood up, smiling. He took Jungkook off of Tae's lap and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Don't misbehave and land yourself with more early bedtimes." He teased him as he passed Jungkook to Hoseok so the boy wouldn't be sitting on his own.

"Kookie doesn't misbehave, you and Tae drag him into your plans and get him in trouble with you." Namjoon said, shaking his head a little bit at Jimin, a fond smile on his face.

"Whatever." Jimin said, a small pout on his lips from the teasing off of Namjoon.

Tae got up and went over to Jimin, glad that they could avoid this conversation as he still found it hard to deal with what happened. Sure it had been over seventy years ago but a vampire never really got over being stolen from their nest. He wasn't sure how Jimin felt able to talk to Jungkook about it. When they had talked about it a while ago he had struggled and he hadn't even gone into details about it.

"Don't scare him." Jin warned the elder nest members, "Or there will be trouble." He said before kissing Hoseok lightly in the lips, followed by Jungkook. He got up and went over to Namjoon and Yoongi, giving them each a kiss before he went to Taehyung and Jimin, the three of them walking out of the room together and going off to do whatever.

"Are you sure you want to learn about them?" Hoseok asked Jungkook as he held him closer, "Nothing we say here will be pleasant." Hoseok warned him.

"I want to know." Jungkook said, nodding a little bit. He should already know really since his granddad had told him all about them but he was young and had thought they were just creepy bedtime stories so they had been forgotten about along with most of the things his granddad had told him of vampires.

"He should know, Hoseok, this is something that we have to tell him. He will be their target if they caught sight or smell of him and it is easier to look after him if he knows what is going on." Namjoon said, picking up on Hoseok's thoughts of not telling Jungkook, sheltering him from it all. "There is a doubt in his mind, he wants to know." Namjoon said.

"Fine." Hoseok said with a small sigh as he thought about how scared this might make their youngest, he didn't want Jungkook to worry or stress about it.

"How much did your granddad know about vampires and how much did he tell you?" Namjoon asked Jungkook, it would be a good idea to have a basic understanding on what Jungkook did and didn't know.

"My granda knew a lot, I think. I stopped believing him when I was about six and by seven I started to ask to hear about things that were 'horror stories'. I don't remember that much anyway because I was always going to sleep when he started to tell me the stories of vampires. I remember him talking about bonded vampires and the other type he mentioned as wild ones." Jungkook said, he still found it hard to talk about his granddad, especially after becoming a vampire as so many times he had told his granddad to stop telling him fake stories when in actuality they were all probably real.

"I don't think your granddad would have minded you not believing his stories, Kookie, not many people would have." Namjoon said as he picked up on the thoughts that were running through Jungkook's head. "He loved you and probably expected you not to believe them." He told him. He would have liked to meet his granddad if he could have so he could understand how it was that the man knew of vampires.

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