Chapter Sixty Two - The Planning, The Losing and The Braking

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"We have to go right now." Tae said, not even being able to think. Everything was spinning around him and he wasn't sure whether he was still sitting or if he had stood up.

"We can't just rush this. We have to stay calm." Yoongi said, lightly putting his hand on Tae's arm, trying to ground him a little bit as he noticed the lost look in Taehyung's eyes.

"We know where he is and he needs us, we need to get him." Tae said, desperate to go and get Jungkook back.

Hoseok had just come back after finding out where Jungkook was. They all sat together, the Park nest and the Kim nest, planning on how to get to Sanha and Jungkook, how to get to them and save them. "We'll go and get them soon but if we just rush on we risk one of us getting killed or them changing where they are holding them."

Jimin, who was currently holding Bora close, nodded his head in agreement. He had taken to holding Bora close to him, all of their combined scents calming him as much as it did Jungkook. They'd all been taking things with Jungkook's scent on them and holding them close so they could have some connection to their missing maknae.

Bora had been passed around a few times, like some silent deal was struck between them all to share Bora because they were what Jungkook was almost always holding and the sloth is what made them feel the closest to their missing love.

"We'll plan and prepare today, we'll leave first thing tomorrow. I'd we go now we'll have no plan, we'll be tired and with a lack of blood in our system we'll be useless against the unbonded who never have a lack of blood in their system." Jin said, his voice making it clear he wasn't going to hear any argument against the idea. "We need to get them back but Hobi is right, if we go now we could lose them again or worse one of us could get killed and that is a worse case scenario that I will not allow to happen."

MJ nodded in agreement, "I don't want to leave Sanha waiting but Jin-Hyung is right. The unbonded won't kill them but they would kill us. Even if we lost them we could find them again but if one of us dies then we're completely dead and we can't get the dead back." MJ said.

"What is the plan?" EunWoo asked once MJ finished speaking. He would wait till tomorrow but no later, once they were fed and rested he was getting his mate back and he was never going to let him go again.

"Getting there shouldn't be a problem, we'll try and not be noticed if we can but if we cross any unbonded we show no mercy, kill on sight because they can let the others know we are approaching." Yoongi said. He had killed unbonded before and he was fine with doing it many, many more times if they were keeping his mate from him.

"Once we are there, I was thinking it would be best if I snuck into their place in my Suga form, I can find out what the layout is and where they are keeping out Maknae, make sure they're both still in the same room. If they aren't then I'll report back the two rooms they're in. If they're together then I'll go back to them after and make sure they're ready to leave with us, make sure they can move and run the second we have a safe way to get them out. If they aren't together then I was thinking MJ can mimic my gift and go make sure Sanha is ready while I make sure Jungkook is ready." Yoongi explained his part in the plan that he had been coming up with.

Yoongi had always been a planner, growing up he had been tutored in this kind of thinking and as the second oldest in his nest he always felt the need to plan solutions to any problem that came up.

"As for the rest of you, I'll make she's you know where Jungkook and Sanha are, it will be your job to make sure you get a clear enough path to get to them and get them back out. No mercy to anyone who tries to stop you." Yoongi said. "Partner up as well, no one should be going anywhere on their own. Ideally you will all stay as one big group but if its not possible for any reason then make sure you have your partner with you. The only people on their own should be me and MJ of necessary because it won't be obvious that were vampires, well seem like stray animals that have wandered into their place." He explained.

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