Chapter Five - First Blood

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Namjoon stood up and went over to Jungkook, holding out his hand for the young male to take, "Come with me." He said, trying not to cause any more distress for the boy who probably wasn't in the best state of mind right now. Despite it being many hundreds of years ago, Namjoon still remember the first time he'd had to drink blood and he'd been really nervous about it and pretty freaked out since it wasn't something you ever really expected to do if you grew up human as all here had other than Seokjin.

Jungkook was obviously worried about doing such a thing, it just seemed to weird to him to be even thinking about drinking someone's blood, never mind actually doing such a thing. He had a feeling he wouldn't get away with not doing it though so he placed his shaking hand into Namjoon's firm hold. He felt himself calming a little bit when Namjoon held his hand, like he knew he was safe with him and he didn't have to worry about anything because Namjoon could protect him from everything.

"Don't worry, baby, I've got you." Namjoon said in his deep and caring voice as he kissed Jungkook's forehead and helped the boy stand up so they could go back to Jungkook's room. Feeding was often done in private, basically meaning in the nest, since vampires are extremely vulnerable while feeding as the blood makes them unaware of what is going on around them and while Jungkook was very safe in the nest he belonged to it was an even more private whe the first feed happened because there was a mess of emotions that came with it so being on their own was the best option for Jungkook. Plus there was also the fact it would be more comfortable for them both.

They'd already decided that Namjoon should be the first person that Jungkook fed from since they'd discussed it the previous day before Jungkook even woke up for the first time. There were many reason why they were all a good choice for being the first person Jungkook fed from. For example, Seokjin was very sweet with them all and would cuddle Jungkook very close the whole time, however, he was also likely to make too much out of the whole situation since he'd not been anyone's first blood since Yoongi and that was over eight hundred years ago, in fact it was closer to nine thundered years ago. Yoongi would of been a good option since he could stay calm while being reassuring but sometimes he came across as not completely caring and it was a risk all six didn't want to take. Then there was Hoseok who was honestly a good choice but once again there was the whole problem of being easily over excited or fussing over him that bit too much.

Then there was the option of Jimin since he'd never been someone's first blood and he was such a sweet person but he would probably be nervous which wasn't the type of person who Jungkook would need as a first blood. Then there was the option of Tae who hadn't been anyone's first blood as well but he'd turned Jungkook without his consent which was nerve wrecking enough without adding a second nerve wrecking experience to the list.

So Namjoon seemed like the best choice in the end in who to chose to be Jungkook's first blood. First off he was a sort of unofficial leader of the group if they came across another nest or werewolf pack, something that was very rare but it happened every now and then (and then you needed to be ready for that and have a leader to represent your nest). He was calm and definitely wouldn't get over excited, yet at the same time he wouldn't come off as uncaring at all, not that anyone didn't care but Yoongi could be too calm or blunt now and then by accident. Then he'd also been the first blood for Tae only just a little over two hundred years ago so he could still very clearly remember what to do. Finally, everyone agreed that when it came to feeling both protected and comforted, Namjoon was the one to go to. 

If you needed to feel protected, go to Yoongi, if you wanted to feel comforted go to Jin, if you wanted to feel the perfect mixture of both then go to Namjoon. If you want to have fun but feel very safe, go to Hoseok, if you want to just play games without a carer in the world then go to Tae and if you wanted to just relax and have fun then Jimin was the person to turn to. There were obviously exceptional cases to all of these but that was basically how it was around here and Jungkook would probably find his own place around them very soon. He'd probably find himself constantly with at least one of them being fawned over, cuddled and probably babied since he was the youngest and absolutely adorable, plus the smallest, which had become very clear when he hugged Jimin, since Jimin used to be the smallest.

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