Chapter Fifty Two - Animal Instincts

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"Would he not mind?" Jungkook asked as he looked at the sleeping Jimin. He did really want to hear what Jimin's story was, what led to him becoming a vampire but at the same time he didn't want Jimin to be upset with him for learning it or anything like that.

"Jimin won't mind, Koo. You don't need to worry about that." Jin promised with a smile as he ran a hand through the nestlings hair, "When Tae turned I was the one to tell him Jimin's story because Jimin wanted him to know but he doesn't like thinking about when he was human so I told Tae instead, Jimin would prefer to not tell the story himself. I can't say he had it the worst but he had it bad like everyone and if he wants to not think about those days then I won't make him but he would want you to know everything."

Jungkook nodded a little bit, his head still on Jin's chest, "Okay then, what is his story?" Jungkook asked as he held Bora closer to his chest.

Jin ran his hand lightly up and down Jungkook's back, "Well his story starts in 1653..."


The streets were full of people, as always, the Park clan workers were busy like usual, walking between jobs, shop and home, there wasn't any quiet on these streets during the day. People were always so busy here and it was hard to walk without bumping into many, many people.

Jimin was one of the people on the move right now, he didn't have any other choice really but to keep moving no matter how much he wanted to just sit still. He was weak and tired and the blazing sun gave him no rest for his overheated, dehydrated state. No weather was pleasant though, the sun was too hot, the wind and rain were too cold and unpleasant and the 'perfect temperature' just didn't exist for someone like him.

He looked around and smiled to himself as he saw a shaded alleyway between some houses and he went straight to it, he knew better than to hide there all day but he wanted to give himself five minutes to cool down and he didn't have a house where he could sit insid to cool down a bit.

Homelessnes sucked.

He hated what his life was, he hated everything about it.

A few years back, when he was nineteen, he had been out at work only to return home to nothing, he didn't know how it happened and he never really would but somehow his house had caught on fire, probably from one of the candles, and it had killed his mother, brother and father leaving homeless without enough money for a new home and no friends that he could rely on.

It had left him with nothing but the clothes he was currently wearing and the job that he later got fired from because apparently he had stolen from one of the customers, he hadn't but who would trust the word of a desperate homeless person with nothing? He was lucky he didn't get sent to the authorities and end off with his hand chopped off or worse, after all that was a common punishment for people who stole.

Now he really had nothing and nowhere to go but if he stayed still and stayed in one place he risked being caught and blamed for something whether he had done it or not.

Which sometimes he did deserve, he would now admit. While he did have a job two years back he paid for anything he ate but now that he didn't thievery was his only option. Open market stalls, pick pocketing, anything that would give him food or food for money was something he would do. He didn't care anymore, he just wanted food.

Problem was though he didn't ever get enough to stay strong and now he was getting weaker and weaker by the day and hungrier and hungrier because he could steal even less food or money which made him weaker and weaker again, in a vicious circle of hopelessness. Like a maze of misery that he couldn't ever escape from.

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