Chapter Twenty Seven - The Nest Began With Us

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Jungkook smiled, he had waited to know this story for a while but he hadn't been sure if he was allowed to just ask to know this stuff or not, he had just planned to wait for them to tell him their stories when they chose to do so.

"I think it was in 1164 that we met, right?" Yoongi asked Jin as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook to make him lay down. While they were telling him this story so Jungkook could learn more about them they were still trying to get him to sleep.

"Yeah, 1164 when I'd just left my family nest in Gwacheon-si to go to Busan, not the right place at the time but it was in the future. I was two hundred a forty, at the time." Jin told Jungkook as he played with the boy's soft black hair. Unlike their own hair, it was clear that his hair had never been dyed before and was naturally. "For someone born a vampire was pretty young to leave the family nest. See, while physically someone born a vampire ages one year every ten years and we are frozen at the age we find our first mate so people tend to want to be older at that point so they leave at about two hundred and sixty to three hundred. However, I was impatient so I chose to leave earlier than most." Seokjin told him.

"Which was a pretty good thing really." Yoongi said, "Otherwise I could have wrinkles and look like an old man for all of eternity." Yoongi said, trying to get a giggle out of Jungkook and just like he expected he got one, a bell like giggle bubbling out of his youngest mate.

"Well then your outsides would just match your insides. You act like an old man quite often." Jin teased his oldest mate. "Anyway, I was actually pretty quick to find Yoongi, most people look for a decade or so, I found him in four months just by pure fluke, I didn't even require me trying to figure out who my mare possibly could be. See, most have to, they have to check a place they would love to live or where they would want to work, things like that but I didn't have to with Yoongi." Jin said. "So what happened was..."


Jin walked through the woods of Taejeon-dong in Daegu, his throat burning. He needed to hunt. He'd not had any blood for at least three days now as he wanted to see just how long he could go without blood. It was a stupid thing to do but he was bored and on his own so he wanted to increase his medical knowledge of his own kind and whst better way than to experiment these things than by experiencing them himself.

He wasn't sure if he would get the luxury of human blood today since he was sticking to the woods and the humans didn't often come into the woods around here. He wished it was human blood he would get, it was the best after that of a mate and he didn't even have a mate yet, he was still looking for the special people he would live his whole life with.

Walking further into the forest he caught onto the smell of a person, he was shocked by that, he didn't think he would get to see a human but he definitely wasn't complaining about the situation. He wanted human b;ood more than animal blood anyway. As he walked closer he picked up on other scents around him, these seemed to be the ones of a cat, or something feline.

Stalking closer to the scent he caught his first glaces of his soon to be victim or dinner, he was them as both each and every time. The man was close to his age in physical appearance, maybe twenty two human years? That was a pretty good age, they had a more mature taste to them when older, like a wine that had been left for years to get more taste. It wasn't always the case but he had a feeling that this would be how this man would taste.

"I'm so sick of this." He heard his meal say as he stoked some small cats that surrounded him on the ground. "I know I should be married by now and I know my father wants me to have a family to join the line of succession after we have gone but then my life would be a lie. I can't make a woman marry me when there is no chance of me loving her in any way ever." The man mumbled to the cat. He felt safe and comfortable with them, they couldn't tell anyone what he said to them and they were a way to speak out his thoughts. He felt a small lick on his hand as if the little black kitten with brilliant green eyes and one little white boot understood what he was going through. He always wanted to take the kittens back with him but he knew his father would probably kill the kittens if he did.

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