Chapter Fifty Six - Goodbye

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~~~Jungkook’s Dream~~~

“Hey, Koo, how are you doing bud?” Hyun-Ki asked with a smile on his face, Jungkook’s back to him.

“I’m done falling for this trick, I’m sick of it.” Jungkook said as he tried like every night to walk away from him but once again he couldn’t. He was trapped in this small space of nothingness with his memories of his grandad in the physical form of his grandad.

“Sick of your own grandad? What have I taught you about being rude? About not respecting your elders?” He asked him as he walked a little closer to Jungkook. 

Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes, “This isn’t going to work, stop trying to make me give in, I’m not going to let myself love and lose you randomly throughout my eternal life.” Jungkook said as he turned to face him, unable to keep his anger from reaching the surface right now. He was sick of always going through this and just wanted it to stop.

“Eternal life?” His grandad asked with a confused look on his face. “Have you become a vampire? How?” He asked his grandson.

Jungkook went to answer, like always being drawn in by the chance of being able to connect to his grandad again. Just before he spoke the truth though he stopped himself, “I told you I am not falling for this again, so just leave me alone.” He told him.

“If I am always going to be here it isn’t like I’m not real, you can still make memories with me, talk to me, tell me about your life. So why not? You don’t have to miss me when you wake up because when you sleep you can see me again.” His grandad told him with a smile on his face. 

“No, because you are dead and you aren’t coming back, my memories have made you, I’m seeing memories mixed up and put together and no, I’m not putting myself through that anymore, I’m not putting myself through that anymore. I want to be happy and if I keep seeing you then I won’t be happy.” Jungkook said. He wanted to live his life, feel good for himself. He wanted to be with his mates and make them happy so they could all live a good life together. The best chance of a good future for them all was if they were all happy and healthy then they would get their good life, Jungkook was determined not to be the person who held them back from that. 

Hyun-Ki stepped forward and gently pressed a hand to Jungkook’s shoulder, “You can feel that right? I am as real as I can be.” Hyun-Ki told him. Like always Jungkook’s mind was wanting him to give up and talk to his grandad. “Anyway, have you ever thought that maybe I am here because there is some part of you that wants to tell me something? Answer one of my many questions about the world? If you talk to me now maybe you will say the right thing and then I will go.” 

Jungkook froze a little bit at that, maybe there was a small chance that his mind was currently trying to tell him something, a subconscious part of him letting him know that he needed to tell his grandad one last thing. “Yeah, maybe.” Jungkook said as he hesitantly turned to look at Hyun-Ki, “Ask your questions, I’ll answer them.”

“You said something about your eternal life, what did you mean?” Hyun-Ki asked him, his voice the same as when he was about to tell Jungkook about vampires, “Have you become a vampire?”

“Yeah, I have, in October, it's January now so I’ve not been one all that long and it's taking a lot of getting used to but my mates are amazing and they’re helping me with everything.” Jungkook said, his voice going a little bit dreamy when he mentioned his mates, he couldn’t help it though, he loved them so much and they made him so happy, he wasn’t sure how he lived for nineteen years without them, the thought of being away from them for even a day was too horrible to even comprehend.

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