Chapter Sixteen - A Crumbled Kookie

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Everything had crashed around Jungkook.

Those two phones, while extremely short, had completely destroyed him in a way that he couldn't even explain no matter how hard he tried to. Tae could tell how he felt but it wasn't the same as actually feeling how Jungkook was and he wasn't living with it constantly without a brake. 

It had already been three days since the call and Jungkook was completely different. He was a shell of his usual self. He didn't eat properly, he wouldn't drink their blood willingly and he didn't speak much. There were more changes, many more and all of them worried his hyungs more than they could ever possibly express.  They hated seeing him like this, their precious mate so fragile and broken an nothing seemed to be helping him.

"Kookie, come on baby, time to get up for breakfast." Jin said as he gently ran a hand down the boys back. They were currently in the nest, as in the nest room. They had been sleeping in there all together ever since the incident happened. No one wanted to be away from Jungkook so they had just taken to staying in there to offer him the comfort that would come with them all being together in the nest. 

Coaxing Jungkook out of the nest was no easy job, everyone was in the dinning room, waiting for Jungkook, Seokjin and Namjoon (who was trying to help Jin get Jungkook out of bed). "Come on, sweetie, don't you want something yummy to eat? You didn't eat properly yesterday." Namjoon said, deciding not to mention that Jungkook hasn't ate properly the past three days since he hated to admit it to himself. Seeing Jungkook like this and hearing the self deprecating thoughts going though the youngest's head was one of the worst thing he'd ever experienced.

Jungkook just shook his head a little bit. He just wanted to stay here and avoid the real world. Right now, he was snuggled up against Namjoon and he had been really peaceful and able to sleep, something he'd been struggling to do since his brain just wouldn't shut up for even a second at the minute. So of course he just wanted to stay here, get hugs and some decent shut eye.

"Baby, come on, Namjoon can't stay here, he needs to eat as well. So do I, please, come with us." Seokjin said, hoping that if Jungkook didn't have anyone to cuddle up with he'd come with them. Plus he couldn't just let Namjoon not have breakfast because Jungkook wanted to stay cuddled up to him. Sure, Jungkook was hurt right now and they all cared more than they could ever explain, but he couldn't let one mate suffer for another, he would just have to find a way to help both and make them both happy.

Namjoon had went to say it was okay and that he didn't mind but a stern look from his oldest mate quickly quieted his protests. "Kookie, come on, you have to eat." Namjoon said and wrapped his arms tighter around the boy and stood up, holding the whining boy close to his body. He knew why Jungkook didn't want to leave right now and he understood it really well but Jungkook couldn't deal with what was hurting him by running away and hiding from it. Like all problems they have to be dealt with and that meant facing them head on. "We can come back in here once you have had something to eat." Namjoon told him.

"Promise?" Jungkook asked, his voice weak from lack of use and too much strain from the amount of crying he had done since those phone calls. No one was surprised by Jungkook's reaction, they were sure that would of been the same had they learned that their parents didn't love them after spending their whole life convincing themselves that they were loves by their parents. They were also still absolutely furious about it and they wanted revenge. They weren't sure when or how but they were determined to get some sort of revenge so the pain they caused their baby bun.

"I Promise." Namjoon said and kissed the top of Jungkook's head, relieved when that didn't gain more tears. It turned out Jungkook was pretty good at blocking out his emotions now and then but then a small gesture of affection and the water works would be back for who knows how long after. There had been slight progress over the few days, he cried less each day and the time he cried for was shorter but the problem was far from over and dealt with. 

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