Chapter Fourty - Comfort

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Jimin walked back into the room with Tae, still rather nervous but he was happier with that he had made now than he had been earlier. He knew he had tried his best with this but he felt this need to make his best even better than it was because nothing would ever be good enough for his mates.

"Here you go Koo, if you don't like it just say, I'll remake it so don't feel like you have to be happy with it." Jimin said as he passed the wrapped present over to Jungkook. He knew most people loved it when they got a present that was all wrapped up so he had done that while he was in his design room to make it special for Jungkook.

Jungkook took it with a small smile on his face, "Thank you." He said before looking down at the wrapped gift and started to take the wrapping off of the gift, whatever was inside of it smelled just like his mates and it was drawing him to the gift already. Without even knowing what it was or how it looked he knew he was never going to let go of this gift.

When the package was finally open there was a sloth cuddly toy there. The beautifully brown fur of the sloth was soft and very fluffy. The stitching was hand done but absolutely perfect in every way, not one single misstitch on the whole of the cuddly toy that was now held in Jungkook's arms as the nestling studied it.

The eyes were what caught most of his attention though, they looked almost like purple sapphires. The purple gems made into eyes were beyond amazing. He felt almost as if he was in shock from it all. He had never seen a cuddly toy so perfect or beautiful in his whole life. He loved it already and would give all his possession up just to keep this forever.

"I know purple for the eye is a little bit weird, I just thought that red is often connected to love and blue is peace. Blue and red together is purple. So it's the love we have for you along with the peace we hope to give you." Jimin explained from where he sat, watching Jungkook with worried eyes, "If you don't like it I can make you a new one." He said as Jungkook had yet to speak up.

"N-no, I love it, thank you Jiminie-Hyung, they're perfect in every way." He said as he held the sloth close to his chest, feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he held the precious gift that he had just been given. He didn't ever want to put the sloth down, they smelled just like his mats, it was almost like being in the middle of a hug off of all of them.

"Jin-Hyung added the scent to it, I had no idea how to make it work without stealing hoodies and all that but I know you would prefer to just wear them." Jimin said, now calm enough to tease his young mate a little bit. "So if the scent ever goes from it a little bit then just ask Jin-Hyung, he will fix it." Jimin told him.

"It shouldn't go away though, at least not for a very long time." Jin-Hyung said with a smile before he leaned down and whispered in Jungkook's ear, "I think you should go cuddle with Jimin to say thank you." Jin suggested with a smile.

Jungkook nodded and got up, keeping the sloth tight in his arms as he walked over to Jimin and sat in his lap with a smile, cuddling into him, "Thank you so much Hyungie, I love my sloth loads and loads." He told him as he hid his face into Jimin's neck and nuzzled into his neck a little bit.

"I'm glad baby, I was really worried you wouldn't like it." Jimin said as he kissed the top of Jungkook's hair and ran his hand up and down Jungkook's back in soothing motions.

"Have you given him a name?" Yoongi asked Jungkook. He had a feeling that Jungkook was the type to name stuffed toys.

"They are called Kim Bora." Jungkook said, Kim because that was their surname and this was their love and Bora to represent the beautiful meaning behind the gem like eyes.

"Cute." Tae said as he messed up Jungkook's hair. "Just like you are." He teased and joined his lips to Jungkook's in a quick but loving kiss.

Jungkook blushed as he looked down and held Bora closer to his chest, taking in a deeper breath that allowed the scent of his mates to fill his senses and his body went more lax in Jimin's arms. He curled up a little bit more, his head resting on Jimin's shoulder and Bora held tight to his chest.

My NestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora