Chapter Sixty Six - Home Sw-.... Home.

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Trees. All around him were trees and as he looked up he could see stars shining in the gaps of the canopy, each of them sparkling against the inky black night as he ran towards his homes with his mates and the Park nest.

Home. He was really going there. The unbonded's burrow was miles and miles behind him, they had encountered a few of them on their way back but they were quickly dealt with.

Jungkook finally allowed himself to imagine his home and the comfort it would give him because he knew now that he would get there, he wouldn't end off back with the unbonded because his mates were here and they wouldn't let him be taken again.

Tae grinned as he ran alongside Jungkook, he felt free as he ran with his nestling. Jungkook was with them and they could play again, have fun and relax. He wasn't sure if this feeling would last but for now he was just going to enjoy being with Jungkook and just enjoy running through the forest.

Jungkook grinned back, almost tripping over from not really paying attention to where he was going as he was stunned once again from just how handsome his mate was while also being distracted by the beautiful feeling of the wind blowing on his face and through his hair.

Jimin laughed as he saw Jungkook trip a little bit, "Watch where you are going Kook, we'd quite like to see you get back home all in one piece." He said as he joined Taehyung and Jungkook in enjoying the freedom and the bliss of being back together.

Jungkook blushed and nodded a little bit before trying to run faster, almost like he was wanting to race his mates. Tae was first to pick up on what Jungkook was doing and soon the three of them had started an unofficial race towards the house that was still many miles away from them but that didn't matter, they didn't need an endpoint in their race, they just wanted to have some competitive fun together.

Jungkook froze as he was running though, being distracted by Jimin's scent as he ran past him. The scent of vanilla coffee filled his senses and his throat started to burn like it had been for all the days he was away from his mates. He was starving and the little bit of blood he had in him off of Yoongi just seemed to make him more aware of just how starving he was right now.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked as he came to a stop beside Jungkook and gently rested his hand on his mate's shoulder, concern filling him as he held him close.

"Sorry, I'm fine." Jungkook said, leaning against Taehyung while he tried to fight off the weakness that came with the hunger. "Just hungry." He admitted with a blush on his cheeks as he cuddled into Taehyung more.

"Do you need some blood now or can you wait till we get home?" Hoseok asked, having overhead what it was that Jungkook said, wrapping an arm around Jungkook.

"I can wait." Jungkook said, he wasn't sure he could wait but he wanted to wait, he didn't want to be so starving that he had to feed in the middle of the woods off his mates, that seemed more like something an unbonded would need to do. He could control himself until they got home. "We aren't that far away anyway, right?" Jungkook said, he was pretty sure they were close to home now, they had been running for over an hour already.

"Yeah, we're not too far away." Hoseok said, "If you are sure you're okay to get home." He added, he wasn't sure what starvation felt like, not once in his vampire life had he ever had to go hungry because he had never been without some access to blood ever.

"I'll manage." Jungkook said with a smile as he stood himself up properly so he was no longer using Taehyung to keep up right, "Plus I had some of Yoongi-Hyung's blood before, I'll be fine. We should catch back up with everyone." He said and then took off running to catch up with his mates and the Park nest.

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