Chapter Fifty Seven - Pain

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Namjoon woke up and paused as he noted how oddly quiet everything was. He could still hear the sleepy thoughts of his mates but they were dulled down to a quiet background noise that he had to choose to hear and actively listen to when trying to decipher them. Normally he had to work to not hear them too much and to actively try to ignore them but right now they might as well not be in his head for how much they were actually impacting him.

He didn't dislike hearing the thoughts of his mates but it was nice to just now and then have a small break from it. Hearing them didn't drain him or cause him trouble, not after so many centuries hearing them, it just was something that he was always at least a little conscious of and it was nice to have a change once in a while.

Currently though, it was unnerving. It shouldn't be this quiet right now, nothing was going on that should make it so quiet. Sitting up Namjoon looked to make sure all his mates were with him and okay. Yoongi was asleep on his left, Hoseok asleep in his right, Tae and Jimin were cuddled into each other and Jin had his arm over them two and in the middle was...

An empty space.

Namjoon felt his heart snick the second he saw Jungkook's spot unoccupied. He took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to tell himself that the reason Jungkook wasn't in bed was because he was probably already awake and somewhere in the house, their nestling had slept a lot the previous day so he probably just woke up early.

Namjoon slowly got himself out of bed and walked over to the current, pulling it back a little bit so he could see if it was dark out or not. He was a little surprised when he saw just how dark out it was already. Then again, they had been through a lot recently so sleeping a little more was probably a good thing for all of them.

Walking out of the room, Namjoon started looking around the house for Jungkook to see what he was up to and make sure he was okay, yesterday was exhausting for them all and Jungkook had probably had it worse than all of them so he wanted to make sure his nestling was doing okay.

"Hey, Namjoon, have you seen Rocky or Sanha?" JinJin asked as he walked up to the mind reader, a worried look on his face. The two of them hadn't been in the room with them this morning and it had him extremely worried about him.

"No, have you seen Jungkook?" Namjoon asked him as he turned to face the older vampire. Something felt very off right now and he wasn't sure what just yet but every instinct in his body told him to wake his mates up. He was sure he was just being paranoid, overprotective because of the last time Jungkook went missing so he just tried to think rationally rather than panic and disturb everyone.

"Is he missing too?" JinJin asked, the sense of dread that had been weighing heavily on him all morning just got worse and he wasn't sure what to do about it.

Namjoon nodded a little bit before he started looking around the house again, JinJin coming with him. He walked into the kitchen and saw Bora so he went over to them straight away and so the note next to them.

Went out for a walk with Rocky and Sanha, we won't be gone long. Please look after Bora for me, love you all -J xx.

Namjoon let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in and picked Bora up off the kitchen counter, "They've just gone out for a walk." Namjoon told JinJin. He was still a little nervous but they all had each other so he was sure it would be okay. "I'm sure they will be back soon." He told JinJin. Although he wasn't sure that he was speaking the truth or not and the slight relief he had just felt was already disappearing.

JinJin nodded a bit but Namjoon could tell from their mutes thoughts and the look on their face that much like him the other wasn't feeling any better. 'There is more going on here' Namjoon thought to himself, 'Lack of ability, this unsettling feeling, something isn't right.' Namjoon thought. "Wake your mates up." Namjoon said before he was out of the room and back to Jungkook's room at vampire speed. Something wasn't right and he couldn't stay quiet about it, something bad was going on and they needed to do something about it.

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