Chapter Seventy One - Trying

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Hoseok pulled the bottles of, now heated, blood out of the microwave and headed back to his own room where Jungkook was waiting for him. They had all agreed to treat this a lot like a first feeding. It would be just him and Jungkook and they were to be left alone until they both felt fully comfortable to join everyone.

They weren't sure how well this would work but they had high hopes for it; sure, nothing would be better for a vampire than blood directly from the veins of their mate's but bottled blood from mates were a close enough second, especially if the mate it was from was near and the blood was relatively fresh. It was more a case of they didn't know if Jungkook would accept it, he'd accepted the blood infused hot chocolate so that was a good thing, they just weren't sure how he would react to bottles of pure blood. The amount could easily make him feel like he was losing his control over himself and scare him off from trying more but they thought since it was from a bottle they hoped it would take away his fear of hurting someone and therefore stop him from being worried about losing control so they could help get rid of his desperate hunger which would give him his control back.

It was all built on a lot of hope and theory but what other options were there at this point? There wasn't really any other option that they had so this is what they were going to do.

Hoseok walked into his room and smiled at his mate curled up on his bed, Bora in his arms, "Ready to try this?" Hoseok asked as he walked over and sat on the bed beside Jungkook, putting the bottles of blood on the side.

Jungkook nodded and sat up, keeping Bora in one arm because they were helping stay a little bit calmer despite how nervous he was right now, "How do we do this?" He asked, feeling rather awkward about all of this since his mates wanted it done in a way that kept him comfortable being held close while he drank blood since the aim was to get him used to directly drinking from his mate's again.

"You're going to cuddle up with me like you were going to drink from my wrist and I'm going to keep you close and all you have to do is try and relax as you drink as much as you can." Hoseok told him as he pulled Jungkook into his lap and held him close, "Ready?" Hoseok asked again as he picked up one of the bottles and offered it to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at the bottle and felt rather nauseous at the thought of doing this and he was already worried about losing his control right now but he nodded and reached out with a shaky hand for the bottle. The scent hit him as soon as he opened the bottle and part of his head demanded he thrown the bottle across the room because there was no way he could control himself around such an amazing smell, another part of his brain said to throw it across the room because it was not good enough and he should just bite into Hoseok's neck instead and take as much as he wanted. The most rational part knew not to throw it across the room because drinking it this way was his chance to get better and he desperately wanted to get better.

"You're okay, baby, just take your time, there is no rush. Think what you need to think and we can talk about anything you need to talk about, drink when you feel ready to." Hoseok said, running his hand lightly up and down Jungkook's back to keep him calm.

Jungkook nodded a little bit again before he shakily raised the bottle to his lips, the smell of it having him clinging to Bora, like they might be able to keep him in control of himself, like they could make him himself again.

He took a shaky sip of the blood and almost lost all his control as he quickly started to drink the rest of what was in the bottle, not wanting anything to get between him and having as much of this as he could.

Hoseok just kept Jungkook close and let him drink quickly for most of the bottle before he stopped him once Hoseok thought he'd had enough to have some self control if he'd been fed as he normally would have, "Okay, nice and slow now, my love, savour it." He said lightly, not at all surprised as Jungkook growled at him and tried to move away with the bottle and have it all to himself. "None of that, my love, you're okay here, you can have all the blood you want so you don't need to try and keep it to yourself." He said, the words reminding him a lot of what it was like when they had first changed Jimin, that situation wasn't quite as bad as this but it was similar.

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