Chapter Sixty Four - Held Close

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'I could just drink it.' Jungkook thought as his eyes once again went from the door in front of him to the half bottle of blood.

'Why though? Drink it and they drain your blood again. Drink it and they do something only your mates should do.' He thought, his instincts and burning throat battling with his hatred of having someone who wasn't part of the Kim nest drinking his blood.

When it was with his mates the feeling was so beautiful and perfect, that feeling was intricately woven with a feeling of pure satisfaction brought to him from the fact that he was giving his mates strength and life from the action. He would very happily give his blood to his mates all day every day.

Giving his blood to Sanha hadn't felt anywhere near as nice but he'd been doing it to keep his friend alive, to help them both survive each and every day and bring them closer and closer to their mates again because they were making themselves strong enough to be reunited with their mates.

In both those situations he would give all the blood they needed him to and there was little or absolutely no pain in the process, he was happy to go along with it.

Feeding the unbonded though....

That was something that he found absolutely disgusting in every way.

The feeling of their teeth in his neck filled him with pain from head to toe despite the area of intrusion being so small and not really all that deep, in theory it shouldn't hurt more than getting his blood taken at the hospital but it hurt much worse than that.

What really knocked him sick about it though, was the fact that the blood was meant only for his mates or helping him get back to his mates but instead it was being forced out of him by the very creature that was keeping him from his mate and each time they took his blood all Jungkook could think about was the fact he was that he was helping the creatures keep him here.

'I'm not drinking it.' Jungkook said to himself before reaching for the bottle, the smell from the blood was so extremely tempting but he followed through with his reason for picking it up by tipping it and letting all the blood run out of it. Now he couldn't drink it even if he wanted to. Sure the scent of it was now all he could pick up from it but at least it wasn't drinkable in case he lost the strength to fight his need for it.

With that done he lay back down, his back to the door as to not torment himself more with the existence of the escape he could never have.

'How long will this last?' He wondered to himself, was he stuck like this for all of eternity? Would not drinking blood eventually kill him? Will his mates magically find him eventually? Would he suffer forever. All these questions plagued him and had his stomach tying itself in knots as he tried to battle the nauseous feeling and fighting the urge to cry.

He couldn't live like this, he couldn't suffer this. He felt his breath shortening and he could have sworn all four walls just moved a foot closer to him. A band was forming around his chest as he sat up to try and breath, his hand coming to his chest as he rubbed the area to try and alleviate some of the tight feeling.

He felt biel rising up in his throat and he swallowed, thinking maybe that could get rid of it but it didn't and before he could do anything other than go to the corner of the room before only biel came out of him due to the lack of food in his stomach and the anxiety forcing him to be sick.

"Please, just stop." He begged when he finally stopped being sick and curled up in the corner he was in before, "No more." He didn't know exactly what he was talking about and if this was aimed at himself or whatever was outside but he couldn't take this for even one more day. He felt like he was going to go insane. He felt a scream building up in his chest, although he didn't let it out because what would he be screaming at or about?

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