Chaptet Thirty Five - Snap

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Jungkook took it all back.

It absolutely was as bad as he had originally thought it would be. In fact it was worse than he had originally thought it would be. 

He hadn’t managed to sleep at all when he was meant to because every time he calmed himself from his fear of more nightmares and started to fall asleep the scent of one of their visitors would hit him and that would be him fully awake again and have to start all over again.

It also didn’t help that Tae was sleeping with him and Jimin because as much as he loved his mate and would honestly love for them to all be cuddled up in bed with him right now, Tae smells heavily of the other nest and he hated that. Taehyung had spent so much time with Rocky that to him he smelt mainly of Rocky. 

Luckily for Jungkook Taehyung was asleep before they were even in Jungkook’s room, Namjoon had ended up carrying Tae to bed because he fell asleep in the cinema room, so Jungkook didn’t have to explain any of his messy emotions to Taehyung.

Namjoon already knew and had promised him he would get used to it soon so he believed him but it didn’t make him feel any better about it at the minute because he still couldn’t sleep and he still couldn’t get rid of the strange feelings.
Jungkook finally managed to fall asleep about two hours before sunset but another nightmare woke him up about an hour before the sun would have set. He got up anyway though since lying in bed any longer was just going to drive him insane.

He knew Jin and Hoseok tended to be the ones who woke up the earliest so he went to see if either of them were awake.

Starting with the sitting he walked in to see if either of them were in there but instead he saw MJ reading with EunWoo laying with his head in the elders lap. They looked up when they heard someone but Jungkook just awkwardly waved at them before very quickly leaving to find who he was actually looking for.

“How old did you say he was again?” EunWoo asked MJ as he watched the nestlings practically running away from them due to his nerves.

“He’s nineteen but was changed just over a month ago, at the end of October.” MJ said, a slight frown on his face. He knew it couldn’t be easy for the poor little nestling to have a new and random nest in his home and around her mates. “It's not an ideal situation but it keeps us all safer.” 

“Yeah, I know. I just know that it really can’t be easy for the boy.” EunWoo said before cuddling into MJ more, “I just feel sorry for him.”

“Baby, what are you doing out of bed?” Hoseok asked as he saw Jungkook walk into the dinning room, frowning as he saw the clear signs of a sleepless night on Jungkook’s face. “More nightmares or couldn’t sleep?” He asked him as he stood up and walked over to Jungkook, wrapping one arm around Jungkook’s waist while raising his free hand to cup his face.

Jungkook leaned into his touch, “A bit of both. I fell asleep an hour ago and a nightmare woke me up.” Jungkook said. He was exhausted and didn’t really have the energy to really talk about it. He hadn’t had a sleepless night as bad as this for quite awhile so it really drained him. Plus being a nestling in a stressful situation didn’t help him at all.

“Awwww, sweetie. “ Hoseok said and lifted him up, smiling as Jungkook cuddled into him and hid his face in Hoseok’s neck. “How about you try and get some sleep now and if you start having a nightmare I’ll wake you up.” Hoseok said with a smile as he walked over to the chair he was sat in before, having Jungkook straddling his lap with their chests together, Jungkook still hiding his face in his neck.

“Okay, I’ll try.” Jungkook mumbled as he cuddled into him and closed his eyes. Hoseok had the tiniest scet of the other nest on him, which Jungkook easily picked up on, but it was nothing compared to Taehyung so he was pretty sure he could just ignore it. 

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