Chapter Six - Ham and Cheese Tostie

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Two sets of arms? Jungkook was pretty sure there was only Namjoon with him when he fell asleep so why was there now two sets arm around him. He was still cuddled into Namjoon, he could tell because the chest was wide and muscular just like Namjoon's and it just rumbled a little bit in laughter. 'What's he laughing at?' Jungkook wondered as he snuggled into him more.

He wanted more sleep. Sleep was nice when cuddled up, which was something he'd just begun to realise, it was much nicer than being in his cold and lonely apartment and trying to sleep on his old mattress. As he thought about that he felt Namjoon's arms tightening around him, as if reacting to his thoughts. That's when he woke up enough to remember that Namjoon can react to his every thought because he can read minds. 'Well this is going to lead to a whole lot of embarrassment for me.' He thought with a small sigh as Namjoon seemed to laugh a little bit again and Jungkook tried his best not to think about how nice that laugh sounded because he didn't need Namjoon to hear that thought, even if Namjoon already had.

"Sleep well, Bun?" He herd the voice behind him ask, Hoseok's voice he was pretty sure. He liked his voice as well, it always sounded so up beat and happy whenever her herd it.

Jungkook nodded as he tried to sit up, not an easy thing to do when you had two sets of strong arms around your waist but they seemed catch onto what he was doing and the let go of him so they could all sit up before they put their arms back around him again.

"Your so huggable." Hoseok said with a smile as he squeezed Jungkook a little bit in a tender and caring way, "You'll just have to sit down and let us hug you all the time." He said with a small laugh as Jungkook blushed a deep shade of crimson at the comment.

"I think Jungkook will have too much energy to just sit around all day." Namjoon said as he kissed the top of Jungkook's head, "Isn't that right little one?" He asked him.

"U-um, yeah, p-probably." Jungkook answered as he nodded his head a little bit. He liked being outside and running around when he used to be able to so, he definitely wasn't the type to just sit down all day, he liked to be up and doing things.

"Oh well. Are you hungry Kookie?" Hoseok asked with a smile, he knew that Jungkook wouldn't be thirsty since it was just an hour since he was fed and Namjoon would of made sure Jungkook had drank enough to last him for the rest of the day so he'd be good till the nighttime and Hoseok had already asked to be the one who gave it to Jungkook that time. Although he did know that might not happen since Yoongi would be taking him on a tour of the house, he just really wanted a chance to help Jungkook with something.

"A little bit. " He admitted. He could honestly do with something to eat right now as he was starving but he didn't want to say that out loud and he hoped Namjoon wouldn't say anything about it.

"What would you like to eat? Jin can make anything and everything, he's an amazing chef." Namjoon told him as he got up and out of bed.

"Can I have a ham and cheese tosite?" He asked, a little embarrassed. It was such a simple thing but sounded a bit odd as a first food request. Jungkook couldn't help but ask though since it was just something that reminded him of home, since his granddad always made it for him before he passed on, and was a sort of comfort food for him.

"Yeah, of course baby bun." Hoseok said with a bright smile, "In fact I want one of those as well now." He said with a small laugh as he got out of bed and Jungkook did after him. "Tae will probably want one as well. Can you go and get him, Namjoon, he's on the third floor with Jimin and Suga." He said. Hoseok always knew the exact location of all his mates at any given time even if he shouldn't. That was his gift and it had been very helpful in the past when he's needed to find or save one of them.

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