Chapter Sixty - Starting To Plan

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'This is awkward.' Jimin thought to himself as he looked around the room that they were all sitting in together. No one had spoken up yet and it had been at least a minute. 'Someone needs to speak up' He thought but he definitely was not going to be the one to speak up. He needed to be keeping Taehyung calm and how could he be doing that if he was trying to deal with everyone else at the same time?

'Actually, that could keep me rather occupied.' Jimin thought a little after. He was always keeping himself to stay level headed. When there was nothing he could do hee thought about what was going on and he didn't remain calm enough to help. He would just sit and think about Jungkook, what was happening to him, how long their mate had before the bond got too broken to be a quick fix, what type of blood was Jungkook drinking and was it from a healthy source or was it blood that would be making him sick? That was why he kept himself busy. When Tae chose to stay angry he wanted to help him and it ended up working in his favor because keeping Tae from destroying everything and hurting everyone gave him an almost full time job to keep himself busy so he didn't have to think about it.

He had also been working a lot more, he had tried to help Namjoon with the research but he had never been good at it, he was more of a hindrance than a help, so he took on more jobs, designing more outfits for companies and people than usual and coming up with multiple room designs every day. He was even making a whole lot more stuff for Jungkook, convincing himself that if he made Jungkook a bunch of nice things to come back to then maybe, just maybe, he would come back sooner.

"Are we just going to sit here for ages or are we actually going to talk to each other? What we are doing right now is not going to help Jungkook and Sanha." Jimin said, catching the attention of everyone in the room straight away.

"Right, yes, of course. Let's actually try and figure out everything that is going on and how to fix all of this." Jin said with a nod. "Let's start with what Namjoon and Hoseok have found out." He suggested. They needed to know what exactly they were up against if they wanted to get Jungkook and Sanha back, they couldn't go in completely clueless, they had to at least try and figure out what was going on.

"We found quite a few things, some of what we just found his theory and some of it we are pretty positive about so should we start there?" Namjoon asked him.

"Yeah, start with what you think you know is definitely happening." Yoongi said as he leaned back a little bit to listen to them. He was sure anything that was said now would probably be right. Namjoon and Hoseok were good with their research and very thorough. If they found something then it would probably be right.

"Well one thing is this." Hoseok said as he opened the book he found and put it in the middle of the table so everyone could reach it and read what it said while he summed it up quickly for them. "So as we've noticed our gifts haven't been as strong as they used to be and I wasn't really sure why until I saw this." Hoseok said, referring to the book.

"Wait, are you saying your gifts aren't working?" JinJin spoke up, confusion in his voice. His gifts were as strong as ever and so were the rest of their gifts. None of them had been having any problems with them.

"You haven't experienced any weakness in your gifts?" Yoongi asked back, shocked that the Park nest had not had any problems while they had been experiencing loads of them.

"Not a single problem from what we are aware of." MJ said.

"That just confirms it. The problem with us then is really that we are too reliant on Jungkook's gift. Slowly since Jungkook got here we got stronger and stronger over time, because he subconsciously enhanced us without any of us being all that aware of it. We became reliant on it without really thinking we were, it was all subconscious, now he's gone our powers aren't working because they are so used to using Jungkook's enhancement to work."

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