Chapter Fifty Nine - Coming Together

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“We can’t keep going like this.” Yoongi said as he walked into Jin’s room and over to his bed. He got on it and curled up beside Seokjin, resting his head on his shoulder and clinging a little to his shirt.

“I know kitty.” Jin said as he ran a hand through Yoongi’s hair, his other hand taking one of Yoongi’s. He entwined their fingers together and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his hand, “I know.”

“I want him back.” Yoongi said as he closed his eyes as tight as he could to stop the tears that were threatening to fall, he didn’t want to cry again, he’d done it every day since Jungkook was taken from them, “I want him back and safe and warm, fed and looked after. I want him to have the life of a nestling, everyone of us got to have such a peaceful time as a nestling, time to get over our human lives and embrace our new lives, it was fun for us all every time we had a nestling but Jungkook hasn’t got that and he deserved it so much.

“I wish he got that too Yoongi but wishing won’t make it happen. Right now we need to look after ourselves and stay healthy so as soon as we have some idea where Jungkook could be we are strong enough to get there and face whoever we need to.” Jin said. He had been making sure, to the best of his abilities, that his mates and the Park nest were physically in perfect condition so they would be strong enough to get their maknaes back when the time came that they were able to. 

“Speaking of being strong enough, we really need to start actually taking and working with the Park nest again properly. There was no point in making the bond with them to be stronger together and be able to help us if we are now going to ignore each other. To get out mates back we need to work together so we need to do something about that, we need to get better at working together.” Yoongi told him.

“We will, I’ve been thinking the same thing and I will make sure we all get better at working together. Regardless of anything we are all working for the same goal, the goal of keeping our youngests safe, between me, you and that goal we will manage to make everyone work together.” Jin promised him.

“Hopefully soon.” Yoongi said, closing his eyes. He wasn’t sleeping, he just needed the comfort of not thinking for a while. He needed five minutes to be held by Jin and pretend that everything was okay.

Rocky rolled over in the bed, wrapping his arms tighter around himself. 

‘You’re such a failure. You were stupid enough to let them think it was safe outside and then you lost them. You had one job you idiot, one job, not even a hard job, just watch out for your mate and your friend but you couldn’t even manage that.’ He thought to himself, ‘You have messed everything up, you complete failure.’

Silent tears feel down his face but he was past caring about that. He had tried to wipe them away on the first day but he’d learned there was no point in doing that anymore because very soon new ones would just replace them so he gave up on it. He just let the fall now.

He tried every day to function, to get out of bed, get washed, eat, the daily essentials. He tried to think of ways they could find their mate but each time he started the dark hole of guilt swallowed him whole and immobilised him as it held him captive. 

He had sat with his guilt eating him alive for days now and it made him feel worse, here he was feeling sorry for himself and wallowing in self pity when his mate, for all he knew, could be getting tortured, he could be starving, he could be feeling completely lost and abandoned. Yet here he was sitting and feeling sorry for himself.

Those thoughts fed the guilt but they didn’t help him beat it.

He just couldn’t stop thinking about what Sanha and Jungkook must be going through, he had heard stories and he knew about Jimin and Taehyung’s experience with being captured by them. It all worked to make him feel worse and worse about it every day.

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