Chapter Fourty Two - Life

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Jungkook sat up, clinging Bora tight to him and hiding his face in his Sloth to block out any cries that wanted to escape him. He didn’t want to disturb any of his mates with his nightmares. They weren’t as vivid and real as the ones he had been having so clearly having Bora was helping him with that and his mates being around him helped a lot as well but it wasn’t enough to stop them.

He noticed Tae and Namjoon waking beside him, his emotions had distubred Taehyung’s empathic abilities which had woke him up and Namjoon saw Jungkook’s dream and it woke him up. Then Jin just woke up from sensing three of his mates wake up. 

He was pretty sure his other mates were waking and it annoyed him because he didn’t want to be disturbing them. He kept doing this, making them suffer through a lack of sleep because he kept waking up and it wasn’t fair on them. When he was only with one or two of them it was somewhat fine as he wasn’t disturbing that many people but right now he was with all of them and therefore disturbing all of them.

That guilt mixed with what he just saw in his dreams made tears start to pick at the corner of his eye as he held Kim Bora closer to his chest and tried to ignore all the thoughts and memories running through his head.

“Hey, baby, shh, I’ve got you.” Jin said once he was out of bed and had picked Jungkook up, holding him close. “The rest of you go back to sleep, I have him.” He said to his remaining mates who were awake and worried about Jungkook. They saw Jin had him though so they knew all would be okay. Jin held Jungkook and carried him out the room. “My poor baby, what happened this time?” He asked him, wanting to know what caused Jungkook his distress this time.

“I-I lost you all.” He mumbled as he cuddled into him more and hid his face in Jin’s neck so he could calm down more. “I-I couldn’t find a-anyone.” He said as a few more tears fell from his eyes, clinging to Seokjin more, Bora laying on his chest so they were also close to him. “I don’t want to lose any of you but you were all gone and so was your scents so I couldn’t find you and Bora was gone a-a-and..” He couldn’t continue as sobs tore themselves out of his chest and the tears fell freely.

“Baby, you will never lose us, we will always be with you, you have nothing to fear at all. We love you baby and will always keep you close to us.” Jin said as he walked into the sitting room and sat on one of the sofas with Jungkook in his arms, rubbing his back and kissing him lightly on the head and playing with his hair. “We will keep you close and wwe won’t leave you here on your own ever.”

Jungkook sniffled a little bit and dried his tears as he nodded. He was starting to calm down and smiled, “Thank you.” He mumbled as he cuddled into him that little bit more.

“Do you want to help me make breakfast for everyone?” Seokjin asked once Jungkook had calmed down. 

“Yeah.” Jungkook said, smiling as he sat  up. He always wanted to help any of his mates with anything and cooking breakfast was fun the last time he did so. “What are we going to make?” He asked as he stood up, Bora held close in one arm, ready to go and help Jin make food for them all.

“Anything you want, baby.” Seokjin said with a smile as he took Jungkook’s hand and walked with him into the kitchen, “We’ll make a few different things and then everyone can just choose from those.” Jin said. Once he was in the kitchen he washed his hands and then made Jungkook do the same after him. “Put Bora there so they don’t get dirty.” He said and pointed to the small table that was in the kitchen. 

Jungkook nodded and put Bora to the side as he really didn’t want to get them dirty or damaged. He then went back to Jin, “Maybe Croissants? With a bowl of hot chocolate to go along with it that we can dip it into?” He suggested. He used to love how his grandad used to make it.

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