Chapter Seventy - Healing Takes Time

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Jin moved around the kitchen, getting the ingredients together to make some cookies for all of his mates, he was very aware that Jungkook had not ate a proper breakfast that morning and vomiting after meant his little one still had no food in their system and even if his mates didn't really have to eat real food he still preferred them too, the minimal benefits were still benefits.

"We need to come to some agreement." Yoongi said as he got some fruits out of the fridge and started to cut them up into bite size pieces for his mates to enjoy, wanting to feed them all as much as he possibly could.

"I don't get why you think we should just wait when he's hurting so much." Jin said, not looking at Yoongi as he measured out all the ingredients that were needed for the cookies.

"Would you want to talk about it? If you were Jungkook and you were finally somewhere you felt safe, would you want to be forced to tear yourself apart because you had to tell the story of what happened to you?" Yoongi asked him as he looked over to Jin.

Jin paused as he started to soften the butter so that it would mix easier with the sugar for the cookies. "No, but how do we help him if he doesn't talk? We don't know enough to help right now." He said.

"That could break him, if you force him to talk it could be way too much for him, what if it makes him never talk to us again or retreat from us? What if it hurts him so much he loses his smile forever?" Yoongi asked, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong if Jungkook was forced to talk to them, "He wouldn't trust us anymore Jin-Hyung and you know you can't have a relationship without trust."

"We could undo any damage though, if we asked him to speak about it for his own good we could heal any damage that it caused. We can't heal what we don't know." Jin said as he added the light brown sugar and the golden caster sugar to the softened butter and started mixing all three together.

Yoongi shook his head a little but. "It's not right to do that to him. We shouldn't cause more damage to him, he's hurt enough without us prying." Yoongi said as he put the cut up fruit into a bowl and started working on making them all something to drink.

"He doesn't even have to talk about it though, Tae and Namjoon can do all the talking for him, they can tell us all what he is thinking and feeling and then we can act on that to make it all better for him, rather than forcing Namjoon to know everything Jungkook is going through and went through and being forced to do nothing but vividly watch his nestling suffer!" Jin said, his voice getting louder at he spoke, not because he was mad at Yoongi, as his primum lamia made very good points that he could definitely understand a lot, but he was angry at how much all of his mates were suffering and he just wanted to do something about it rather than just watch them suffer and do stress baking like he was right now.

"I can tell you." A small voice said from the door.

Jin and Yoongi turned and saw Sanha there, standing beside Eunwoo, "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude or listen in, me and Eunwoo-Hyung were just about to go and get some fruit." Sanha said, he had a small drop of blood on his shirt and Eunwoo had a rather new bite on his neck so it was quickly obvious to Jin and Yoongi that Sanha was already drinking from his mates again and he looked a little healthier for it. There would definitely still be a long way to go but he was making a good start at healing.

"It's okay, we just didn't think anyone was near." Jin said with a reassuring smile despite his heart breaking a little inside. He wished Jungkook was drinking off of them already because nothing was going to get their mate healthier faster in every sense. If he drank he would be better physically and the bond would strengthen and with that he would feel so much better, he'd feel whole again and know he was always with people who loved him and would look after him, do anything for him.

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