Chapter Fifty Four - Jung Hyun-Ki

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“It’s okay, Koo. I’m here for you.” Jung Hyun-Ki said as he ran a hand through Jungkook’s hair to disguise him trying to check Jungkook’s temperature. “You’ll be better soon, I have you.” He told him.

Jungkook looked up at his grandad, his eyes welling up with tears, “I want to be better already.” The five year old said. He felt so ill, his body hurt whenever he moved. His throat burned, swallowing hurt and whenever he coughed it was hell, his chest would be squeezed far too much, his head would start pounding and throat would scream. “I want magic to just make me all better again right now.” 

“I know Koo, I’m sorry.” Hyun-Ki said as he tucked Jungkook in more, “I wish I could make you all better.” 

“You used to know a person who could do that.” Jungkook mumbled as he let his head roll to the side, doing anything just felt like effort but try as he might he couldn’t sleep, his brain was just too busy right now, doing nothing but everything at the same time. 

“Yes and no. He was a vampire so he was a person but he wasn’t the same as me and you. It wasn’t something I could ever do, I’m far too human for that.” He told Jungkook, “So if you were hoping for some miracle cure then I’m sorry but I can’t give you one.” He said with a small smile. 

“Can you tell me about them again? About the nice vampires.” Jungkook asked of him, he didn’t want any of the scary stories, just the happy ones that his grandad had.

“Well, if that is what you want to hear about then which story would you like to hear first?” Hyun-Ki asked of him. “Do you want to hear one about the healing man?” He asked of him, thinking that was who Jungkook was trying to think about right now. 

“Hmmm, I don’t know.” Jungkook said, “I like the ones about the kitty.” Jungkook said with a grin on his face.

“You know the kitty wasn’t a kitty right?” His grandad checked with a laugh. He knew that Jungkook was only five, even if he did always claim that he was almost six, so he was aware that Jungkook wasn’t always the best at knowing who was who. “How many of them did I tell you there were?” 

“There are six of them, and a kitty and you.” Jungkook said with a bright smile as he giggled as he thought about the little kitty that would run around now and then but from some of the stories it sounded like one of them didn’t like the cat because they were never in the same room.

“No Koo, there were six and me and one of those six could turn into a kitty.” His grandad told him, he knew this would happen, he expected this to be the situation.

“I want to be able to do that too, I want to be able to run around as a kitty, or maybe a bunny and then get lots of cuddles!” Jungkook said  with a smile. “I want to meet the nice vampires that you told me about.” 

“Never stop believing in them and maybe one day, if you are really lucky, you will meet some nice vampires as well.” Hyun-Ki said.


“Hey grandad.” Jungkook said as he walked into the hospital room that his grandad was currently being held in. He was hoping his grandad would be let out soon, be allowed to go back to his home. He missed his grandad living just around the corner and, this was selfish, but he loved the fact his grandad’s house was a place he could go wherever and be away from his parents but he couldn’t do that when his grandad wasn’t there. “I was making cupcakes at school so I asked your doctor if it was okay to give you one and they said yes.” 

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