Chapter Sixty Nine - We Need To Sort This Out

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Jin shook his head, "If we do not ask him to talk to us about it then he is only going to get worse and suffer more. Jungkook isn't about to just open up to us about it because he doesn't want to upset us with any of it."

Yoongi used all his strength to hold back a growl as he glared at Jin, "Oh yeah, because making him talk won't absolutely destroy him. If he's not talking about it then he doesn't want to and he's not been able to choose anything for himself since being taken from him. Let him have choices, Seokjin." He said, purposefully using his full first name and dropping the honorific. While Jin would always be his mate and he would always love him, right now all he could see was someone threatening to force his mate to do something he didn't want to and to hurt him.

"He's not telling us because he doesn't want to upset him, do you know your mate at all, Yoongi, because from what I'm seeing you don't know anything about him." Jin said, he wanted to scream so badly, why couldn't Yoongi just realise that what Jungkook needed was a chance to talk about it so he could recover from it all?

"I'll agree that you're right about it being for our sake but it is for way more than just that. He is not ready to talk about that, people need time to talk about these sorts of things, if you force him to relive it before he is ready then he might never trust us with anything ever and as people who get to live forever that is going to be impossible to stop regretting." Yoongi argued.

"Okay, both of you, that's enough." Hoseok said, feeling really odd and out of place right now. He had never been in a position where he had to tell his hyungs off, it just wasn't done in this nest. If the maknae misbehaved then he just told them off because in the sort of 'nest ranking' the older you were the higher you ranked and it was a comfortable way for them all to live. So to be telling someone older than him off or trying to stop an argument between the two of them just felt wrong.

Plus Jin and Yoongi would so very rarely publicly disagree with each other, even disagreeing with each other in front of their mates was something they did only on very rare occasions. While they all thought and disagreed from time to time, Jin and Yoongi talked about their disagreements quietly and only when alone so they would always agree on things in the eyes of everyone else, it gave the nest a sense of peace to know the two who protected them all were on the same page about everything. When Jin and Yoongi last fought like this was really long ago, not including the time when Jin made the bond with MJ without asking, that didn't count to Hoseok since most of them were mad at Jin at the time.

If Jin and Yoongi were at each other's throats then things were really, really, wrong.

Hoseok felt himself panicking a little but if the oldest were being idiots then he would just have to act like the oldest, just like Namjoon was by dealing with the maknae. "You both need to stop this, your nestling is traumatised and instead of holding him you are shouting at each other. Get it together, compromise and get in there and help your nestling." He said, getting more and more confident as he spoke and thought about Jungkook, about the state their baby was in and how much their love needed them right now.

Yoongi growled a little but nodded, going to walk back into the room but found both Hoseok and Namjoon in his way.

"I don't think so. Calm down and agree with each other, and then you can see him." Hoseok said, the angry state that they were both in was not going to be good for Jungkook and if Jin and Yoongi didn't come to some sort of agreement then they could very easily just end off arguing again but in front of them all which would just make things worse again. After all, they couldn't ask Jimin and Taehyung to get along with each other if Seokjin and Yoongi were not.

"He needs time with Jimin and Tae right now anyway. You two sort out your problem, me and Hoseok will stay here in case they need us and come back when you are calm enough to not make this worse." Namjoon said.

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