Chapter Twenty - Red Handed

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One thing about those belonging to the Kim Nest knew was that telling lies and hiding the truth was wrong. It was kind of impossible anyway given that one of them was a mind reader but that wasn't why they avoided telling lies or doing things behind each other's backs.

They didn't keep things from each other as the truth always came out and they didn't want to be the one that upset their mate. Telling the truth and being honest was the best way and it showed there was love and trust between them.

So secrets were a huge no-no in the nest and Jungkook was learning that. He'd already started to learn that the hard way and he didn't plan on having any more secrets between them.

There were things that Jungkook didn't know about the nest yet, like their creation stories, how they met and a few events that had happened but they had told him that there was things he didn't know because they wanted him to learn them later when it would be less distressing for him or when he knew more already so he would understand them better.

So, since things like secret, deceit and lies were such a big no-no in the nest they weren't going to hide from him their plan to get revenge on his parents and with today being the day they would start looking for the evidence then they knew today was the day that they had to tell him about the plan.

"Come on you three, it's time to get up." Jin said as he walked into Jungkook's room which currently contained Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi, all still fast asleep in bed while the rest of the house was awake and in the dining room, waiting for them to show up so that they could dig into breakfast without getting told of by Jin. "The sun set half an hour ago, come on." He said as he walked over to the side of the bed that Yoongi was on, shaking him lightly.

Yoongi groaned a little bit and just tightened his hold on Jungkook, moving a little away from Jin who let out an exasperated sigh and decided to try and get Jimin up, if that didn't work he had one more idea of how to get them all out of bed without literally dragging them all out of bed.

"Come on, Minnie, it's time to get up." He said as he shook the boy's shoulder and ran a hand through his hair, "Don't you want to come and get some breakfast?" He asked him and got the same response from Jimin as he did with Yoongi. "You all sleep like you have died." He said and leaned over Jimin and picked Jungkook up, startling the youngest from the height change and cold. "Sorry, Koo, but this is the only way to get them up without dragging them out." He said as he held him close.

Jungkook sighed slightly as he finally realised what was going on and he just cuddled back up against Jin and closed his eyes, instantly falling back asleep. He didn't want to be awake yet and he wanted to go back into his hug sandwich. However, he would just as happily settle for sleeping in Jin's arms. He just wasn't ready to get up yet. He wanted more sleep, even if he had already slept for about nine and a half hours.

"Nooo." Jimin whined as he felt the heat that was Jungkook being pulled out of his arms. "I want my teddy bear back." He whined as he sat up, still half asleep and looking he would be following Jungkook's action of falling back asleep. He'd had more sleep than he usual would, since he now had to go to bed early because of how he spoke to Jin just yesterday.

"No, you can maybe have him back after breakfast if you get up now." Jin told him as he kept Jungkook in his arms, shaking his head a little bit as he saw Jungkook was asleep again which meant he'd have to wake him up again.

"Fine." Jimin said with an exasperated sigh as he got out of bed, "I'm up." He said and cuddled into Jin's side, still half asleep.

Yoongi sighed as both Jimin and Jungkook got out of bed, he'd enjoyed the warmth and peace that he got from them both being there, "I'm sure there is some secret book on mate law that says this sort of treatment isn't allowed." He said as he got out of bed and took Jimin's hand, leaving the room while Jin followed behind, with Jungkook still asleep in his arms.

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