Chapter Forty Five - A New Bond

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Jin woke up as soon as the sun was down. He needed to if he wanted to do his plan today, which he very much wanted to. Well, maybe wanted to wasn't the right word, he didn't so much as much as he felt like he had to do this plan and do it today. If he could get this done today then he could keep his nest safer and the Park nest would be too. In fact they all would be a little bit safer and able to keep each other safer as well.

There were risks here and he didn't really want to take those risks but with the unbonded looming around them he didn't have a choice, he had kept everyone safe, he was the head of his nest and the oldest among everyone in this house so their lives were his to protect no matter what.

The pressure to protect them all was starting to weigh him down. He didn't hate the responsibility, he would do anything for his nest, their friends and deserving family but that didn't mean he didn't feel the suffocation of responsibilities weighing heavily on his chest.

That wasn't the worst part of all of this.

The worst part was the broken promises, the risks, the lying and the secret keeping.

He had never kept secrets from his mates but once Namjoon's gift had shown up they had promised never to keep secrets from each other. They couldn't really keep them from Namjoon and if Namjoon knew then everyone should and if Namjoon knew all of their secrets then by principle they should know this so there was no secrets rule. They had all promised to have no secrets.

The risk was what he was going to put MJ through and Jungkook. If the risk was only to himself then that would be fine, he would take any risks to protect those he cared for but he hated to ever risk them for any reason.

Then there was the lying. At this point it felt like a lie to keep anything from Namjoon, he hated it so much. Tae had sensed the unease in Jin over the past few days so he had been his sweet self and asked Jin if he was okay and he had to lie. He said he was just worried about their situation, which wasn't a complete lie but it was enough of a one to bother him.

After this morning though it would be over, he would have tried what he wanted and it would either be a huge success and he could let his mates know and be happy or it would fail, his mates would know and they would have to come up with another plan.

With a small sigh he sat up and looked down at the small nestling that had been up half the night with nightmares because he wasn't with Jimin to stop them at all or Namjoon and Tae to see his dream or sense how he was feeling and wake him up. The only thing Jungkook had was Bora and himself to try and stop them. Jin had just subjected their baby to a night of tourture and lied to his mates, saying that he needed to keep Jungkook with just him so he could watch over him and make sure he didn't have any reaction to the over uses of his gifts.

He felt like he was the worst person in the world for doing all of this to the people he cared so much about. Namjoon and Yoongi had felt guilty enough about overworking Jungkook yesterday without Jin lying and saying it could make Jungkook ill. Jimin and Tae had been begging almost all day to be with Jungkook over the daylight hours, a vampire's night, probably wanting to cause some mischief that he honestly wanted to let them do but he couldn't. Jungkook had looked so peaceful and happy curled up between Yoongi and Hoseok in the cinema room as well, so tiny and perfectly at peace, yet he had to take Jungkook away from them just to subject the boy to the bad dreams and the hell that today could be.

"Koo, time to get up little one, I've got something planned for us to do today." Jin said quietly as he gently shook Jungkook to wake him up as his heart weighed heavily in his chest. Why was he doing this? What if it did hurt one of them? He would put MJ in risk today and he would probably completely exhaust Jungkook today to the point his nestling would have to be on strict bed rest. It wasn't right, he shouldn't be doing this. At the same time though, if this worked, they would all be safer and they needed that right now.

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