Chapter Seventy Six- It Doesn't Hurt

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Jungkook sniffed a little bit, nuzzling into the neck of the person who was next to him a little bit more, they smelt so good and he could feel his throat burning a little bit more. He wanted to have a small drink so badly and go back to sleep after that.

As he woke up a little bit more he started to work out what the delicious scent was a little bit more, hot chocolate- Jin. He was sure he'd fallen asleep in Hoseok's arm but he must have wiggled away from Hoseok to Jin while asleep.

He moved a little so that he was slightly on top of Jin and nuzzled at his neck more, he really wanted to drink some of his blood but he really wasn't sure if he should. He didn't want to hurt Jin, at the same time he was thirsty and was pretty sure if he just took a little Jin would be okay and then he could get more sleep as well.

Jin picked up on Jungkook's actions and slightly tilted his head to the side to give Jungkook more access to his neck, should their nestlings decide to drink some of his blood. He didn't want to say anything in case it discouraged Jungkook from drinking for him.

Jungkook liked at Jin's neck lightly and purred a little bit, he felt in control enough right now to drink a little bit and not too much, plus all of their mates were there, they wouldn't let him hurt Jin.

He opened his mouth and bit into Jin' neck, feeling really nervous as he did but as soon as the blood hit his tongue he felt himself relax and started to drink more. He felt calm, not desperate like he thought he would, it was soothing and pleasant. He was starting to feel full and well fed for the first time in a very long time.

Jin stayed very quiet and very still, feeling very grateful that his other mates had picked up on what was going on and knew to copy Jin, staying quiet and still to not shock Jungkook or make him stop what he was doing.

Jungkook slowly stopped drinking and released his fangs from Jin's neck before licking at the small wound he had made, making sure to take as much of the blood as what was offered. He then cuddled into Jin more and closed his eyes, starting to fall back to sleep- feeling so much better than he had since before he was taken off of his mates.

Jin smiled and gently wrapped his arm around Jungkook and kissed the top of his head, "Rest, little one, you need more sleep, it's still bright outside," He said gently.

Jungkook smiled a little as he listened to Jin voice. His head felt rather fuzzy right now and everything was so nice. He felt someone start to gently rub his back- he was almost positive it was Hoseok- and he couldn't help but start to purr from how lovely it felt, the gentle affection was definitely all he needed to send him back to sleep.

Once Jungkook was finally asleep, everyone spoke up a little bit but stayed quiet enough to not wake him.

"I can't believe he just did that," Jimin said with a grin on his face, "It's a good sign, right? He's feeling better, right?"

"He might be but we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves just yet. He was still half asleep and you know he needs a drink when he first wakes up, he might have not thought about it and just did it. It is a little bit of a good sign but it doesn't mean he would do it again while fully awake," Taehyung said as he sat up a little bit.

"Progress is progress though. I think we shouldn't mention what he did unless he does, to make it seem like it's not a big deal in case it scares him from doing it again," Yoongi said.

"That's probably for the best," Jin agreed with a small nod as he gently moved Jungkook onto a pillow so he could sit up, "I think we should each try and go hunting at some point today, just in case he is comfortable with drinking from us. That way he can get better blood like he needs to be doing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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