Chapter Twenty Five - Hide and Seek Tag

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"Who should be one then?" Seokjin said as they stood up in the middle of the garden. He laughed slightly as he saw the Maknaes quickly do the turn around not in sequence that Jungkook had taught them all. He decided he might as well be one sice Hoseok would have an unfair advantage while Namjoon and Yoongi had already been on enough. He did make it look like he was trying to not be on though.

"You're on Jin-Hyung." Jungkook stated the obvious as everyone else had already said that they weren't on. "Cover your eyes and count to...100." Jungkook said, wanting time to choose a good hiding space and not lose just because he didn't know the terrain as well as his other mates.

"Okay, get hiding." Jin said as he closed his eyes and covered them with his hands an idea popped into his head, knowing this would probably get a pretty cure, yet slightly angry, reaction from his youngest matees. "One, Two, miss a few, ninety nine, ome hundred." He said and pulled his hands from his eyes and opened the, a smirk gracing his lips.

"That's cheating!" He heard the three expected voices shout, Jungkook's sounding more whiny while Jimin sounded angry and Taehyung was clearly huffing.

"You never said how I have to count to one hundred, just that I have to." Seokjin said, enjoying teasing the younger ones in his nest.

"Well it is quite obvious that you are meant to count properly." Jimin said as he crossed his arms, seeming rather sassy in his mildly angered state.

"So do it again and do it properly." Taehyung said as he stood beside Jimin, nodding his head in agreement.

"Magic word, first." Jin said as he crossed his arms and mimicked Jimin. He didn't alway tease and annoy his mates but he was pretty good at doing so when he chose to be and be playful. Like right now because it was just far too easy for him to get a reaction out of his youngest three.

"Abracadabra. Now count properly." Taehyung said with maybe a bit too much attitude that he would normally be told off for but since Seokjin had purposefully wind him up to this point it wasn't exactly fair to tell him off for it.

So, since Jin couldn't tell them off for his own actions he decided to push them a little further. "Tae-Tae, you know those aren't the right words, baby boo." He said, shaking his head with a fake disappointed look in his face.

"Pack it in Seokjin-Hyung, it's not even funny anymore, just play the game." Jimin said, somehow managing to sound both angry and whiny. He knew Jin was just winding them up on purpose but that didn't make it any less annoying to be going through. Jimin really wanted to play this game and Jin was stalling unnecaserally.

"Haven't you picked on them enough for now, Jin-Hyung?" Yoongi decided to speak up before anyone actually got angry. "Why don't we just play the game properly?" He asked him with a gummy smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll count properly then." Jin said, guessing he was probably pushing the youngests far enough at this point. "Go and hide." He said as he covered his eyes. "One, two, three..." He started counting and heard all their feet running away from him, "Just remember my greenhouse is off limits!" He quickly called out. He was pretty sure he heard Jungkook whine and moved in a different direction, causing him to laugh, he knew one of them would think of going in there but he didn't want to risk any damage to come to anything he had in there.

Jungkook sighed as he had to think of another place for him to hide so he ran to the other side of the house and hid there, from where he was he could see Hoseok behind a tree, so maybe this wasn't the best place, if one of them was caught the other would also be caught pretty soon after so he ran to the back of the house and sat there, not seeing anyone else anywhere near there.

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