Chapter Seventy Two - Time To Go

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Jungkook giggled as he ran out of his room, trying to get away from Tae. Tae had just gave him a bottle of his blood and the two of them had come up with a method to distract Jungkook after blood drinking and an idea to think of something fun while he was drinking blood so that Jungkook could have a distraction from it all. Typically when Tae was giving Jungkook blood they would decide on a game they wanted to play after Jungkook had drank the blood,

Today, that game was chase.

For Jungkook and Taehyung this method worked really well because Taehyung loved to play games and Jungkook liked doing anything and everything with Taehyung.

Each of Jungkook's mates had some up with a different method for helping him with drinking the blood and not dwelling on it. With Jimin they would watch a movie and Jungkook would have the blood at some random part of the movie, usually at a really good bit. With Namjoon they would be doing anything together, like watching Jimin and Hoseok dance, Namjoon would then take him to the side while Jungkook drank the bottle of blood, then Namjoon would get Jungkook back to what he was doing before. Hoseok was the same as the first time, they went into either Jungkook's room or Hoseok's room, Jungkook would drink the blood with Hoseok helping him keep his delt control, then Hoseok would encourage him to sleep for a little bit. With Yoongi they would put on an audiobook or some music and curl up together, when Jungkook felt calm he'd get Yoongi to help him drink the blood and when it was done they would go back to curling up together until Jungkook felt perfectly calm again or got a chance to talk about anything that was making him unsettled so they could deal with it. With Jin they would often stick to infusing his blood into hot chocolate because it was still good enough for helping him get the blood he needed, plus it meant he got lots of hot chocolates which made him feel more calm and let Jin do something that was calming for the oldest, plus they both enjoyed hot chocolate and cuddled.

"You'll never catch me!" Jungkook called out loudly as he ran down the stairs as fast as he could, hoping none of his hyungs from either nest caught him running down the stairs. He'd gotten told off for it by Eunwoo just the other day and then taken to Jin by Eunwoo to be told off some more for doing something 'so dangerous'.

Jungkook ever so slight slowed his pace as he remembered what happened but once he was off the stairs he skidded around the corner and started running around looking for another one of his hyungs who could save him from Taehyung, giggling as he went and not thinking at all about drinking blood or anything that had happened to him, he was just enjoying spending time playing with Tae.

"Save me!" He shouted and giggled at the same time as he ran down the hall towards the sitting room, part of him did want to be saved but another part of him was enjoying this far too much to want anyone to stop Taehyung.

Tae laughed as he followed Jungkook, purposely going slow and not catching Jungkook so that his mate could be happy and have fun thinking he was winning. He was loving the happy feeling radiating off his creation, it had been so long since their littlest mate was happy that it was refreshing to see him enjoying himself.

As he ran he thought of how it might be a good idea for one of their hyungs to find Jungkook and 'save him', sort of so Jungkook could be reminded that they would always save him and be there for him should he need them. They'd failed the nestling badly and he didn't know yet if there was a lack of trust because of it, if Jungkook felt like they couldn't keep him safe, but he thought them saving him now could help fix any chances of that but in a playful way they wouldn't distress Jungkook.

Jungkook giggled as looked behind him as quickly as he could to see how close Tae was to catching up to him when he fell and hit of butt off the floor after colliding into something, or more like someone.

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