Chaptet Sixty Three - Found You

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Namjoon pulled Jimin behind a tree with him, pressing a finger to his lips to signal to the others around them to remain quiet. He could hear a very low buzz of thoughts ahead, he couldn't work out anything that they were saying but that didn't matter. This close to the unbonded's den it had to be more unbonded.

Yoongi climbed up the tree he was beside and looked down to see who exactly was close to where they were. From the looks of it there were three unbonded, completely oblivious to their presence. Currently. 

He looked in the trees around him and saw JinJin had done the same as him, along with Rocky. He nodded a little bit to them, silently agreeing to attack all of them at once together once they were closer to them.

'Just a bit closer.' Yoongi thought to himself as he got ready to jump down and attack his victim when they were close enough. "Now." He mouthed to JinJin and Rocky before jumping down on his victim, the one of the right.

He didn't give them a chance to react, he just snapped his neck before grabbing a silver dagger and stabbing them through the heart and watching as they turned to dust. He looked to his left and nodded again as he saw that Rocky and JinJin both did their own job perfectly. 

"Let's keep going." Yoongi said. He was distant from them all. Right now he was the Prince he used to be. The Prince who had been raised like a Knight. The prince who had learned to switch off his emotions to get the job done and save the lives of the people in his kingdom.

Taehyung was the first to start following, nothing was going to stop him, he was on his way to get his mate back and regardless of what got in his way he was going to find Jungkook today and get him back to their nest. He was going to wrap his mate in millions of blankets, hold him close and never ever let him go.

He could see it all already, being home with Kookie, their mates around them in their nest, Jungkook curled up with Bora and peacefully resting. He could already feel Jungkook feeding off them again and their bond getting stronger and stronger day by day. He could see all the places he was going to take Jungkook, show off all the new games that had been sent to him by work that he had been ignoring.

It was these thoughts that gave him the strength to take each step and to end the life of any unbonded that got close to them. Nothing was going to stop him from achieving what he wanted to achieve.

‘Just wait, I’ll have you home soon.’ He thought, wishing he could somehow pass that message on to Jungkook, just to let their nestlings know they were on their way and to not give up hope because he wouldn’t have to wait much longer till everything was all better.

He wanted Jungkook to know that by this time next week they could leave this all behind them and go on holiday while they all recovered from the hell that was this experience. They could do anything Jungkook wanted and they would never have to be apart again. ‘Please just hold on a little longer Koo.’
They were all moving again after a few seconds, everyone with the same goal of getting their Maknae’s back and not letting anything stop them from doing so. Rocky was very close to the front. He hadn’t spoken much but he had done absolutely everything he could to make sure he was ready to help. He had hunted as many animals as he could, given the fact that going to the town for human blood would take too long, he had then tried his absolute best to sleep so he was more than ready to fight right now and fix the huge mess that he still believed he had caused.

He would get them back now though, he would return Jungkook to where he belonged, he would give his mates their love back and then he could beg both Jungkook and Sanha for their forgiveness and hope they wouldn’t hate him for getting them into this mess.

He hoped they would forgive them but he wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t forgive him for causing such horrors. Who knew what they had been going through because he couldn’t keep them safe after being stupid enough to suggest leaving the house. 

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